Susurros somnolientos' Guestbook

2nd July 2012

you don't like adam sandler eh?! you should have watched 'kung fu hustle' instead!hehe. happy travels! x
3rd July 2012

Hi Tinnie! I've already seen Kung Fu Hustle! Good film btw. Thanks for reading and commenting! Cheers, Jens
2nd July 2012

amazing pics, simple and beautiful i find it more interesting because im learning Chinese dese days, been using my kindle eBook lately which has phrasebooks from eton institute. they have phrasebooks in 19 languages check out their website
2nd July 2012

1st July 2012

Please ignore last comment!
Doh that is definitely not Sun Yat Sens house I went to in the 80s positive now I have seen all of your pics not just the first page!!. Off to google about Sun Yat Sen - thanks for the entertaining blog and love the "All white men look the same comment". Thanks for the heads up on the adopting western names..even if they are..different!
1st July 2012

Boy named Sue
Thanks for the comment, Cindy! Maybe you really saw Sun Yat-sen's house, who knows. The former residences of revolutionaries and Communist party bigwigs are always very touristy attractions in China. Yep, some of those Western names were rather disturbing. Cocki? Holy fuck... Cheers, Jens
1st July 2012

LOL all white men!
Haha that made me laugh. Another interesting point you answered for me is the adopting of western names..I thought someone at International Students with a warped sense of humour dealt them out names because ive had boys called Jane and many many burmese Victors and a chinese girl called all becomes a lot clearer now lol, thanks for clearing that up. Also re Sun Yat Sens that his former home that was turned into a museum? I went there in 1986 and there were no souvenier sellers or stalls just a magnificent massive Camellia tree and a serene garden. Not sure if it is the same place that you are talking about?
1st July 2012

All white men look the same....bahaaa!! Great blog. Your homestay experience is brilliant, with 'Emily'...when you travel you really do experience the stuff other people never see.
1st July 2012

Thanks for the comment, Andrea! Looks like the stereotype works both ways, eh. I wish I would have some pictures of the homestay, but it didn't feel right to shove my camera in their faces, the parents were grumpy enough already anyway. :) Cheers, Jens
30th June 2012
Enjoy losing your face!

Enjoy the ride...and don't get run over...embracing Chinese culture...great way to go!
27th June 2012

Rape plant
There actually is a plant called Rape. An unfortunate name for it, in my opinion, because it has some very good health attributes, because its seeds are rich in omega 3 oil, which is something many of us are short of in our diets. It is called Raps Ol, in German. There probably should be a umlaut there someplace, and umlaut is probably spelled differently. Grammar, especially Germany grammar is not my area of strength. :)
27th June 2012

Thanks for the comment, Mell! :) I learned the thing with Rapsöl being rapeseed oil fron an article in an Australian newspaper a while ago. It said they had to change the name to the more politically correct sounding 'canola oil', and they thought this would boost sales as well. I never knew that you could eat dried rape plant, so I was quite happy to see it in China in a supermarket, full of rapey omega-3 goodness! :) Cheers, Jens
27th June 2012

Not sarcasm at all...
you just tell it like it is, which I appreciate!
27th June 2012

I just recently started following you...
and appreciate your blunt language.
27th June 2012

Um, thanks Bob! Was that sarcasm? It's sometimes a bit hard to tell on the internets... I'm quite a straight talker, though, and I don't like to mince my words, if that's what you mean. Thanks for reading and following! Cheers, Jens
26th June 2012

comment #2
Maybe schould have logged in before commenting he he.
26th June 2012

Great blog!
As an 'expat of 2.5 years in china' myself, I absolutely loved reading your well-written blog, funny, anecdotal and very recognisable! Xie Xie
26th June 2012

Thanks for the kind words Mr. Traveler, glad you liked it! :)
23rd June 2012

Great pics from Shanghai Museum...possibly the best museum in China. Check out under the Pearl some ways even better. My first impression of Shanghai was it was a citywide competition to build the zaniest highrises...enjoy the ride.
23rd June 2012

Hi Dave, thanks for the comment. I didn't check out the high-rises this time, I was more caught up with eating, museums and sitting on the metro. Shanghai definitely needs more of one's time. Cheers, Jens
22nd June 2012

enjoyed reading this. funny and informative. Hoping to get over too Shanghai at some point and this gave me a good insight. cheers!
22nd June 2012

Thanks, Aaron! Glad you enjoyed it :)
21st June 2012

"The train actually turned around, somehow, at that stop where everybody rushed out, and I was supposed to switch to another train." --> that almost happened to me in Singapore, but then someone came to rescue...hehe. fun blog :)
21st June 2012

Thanks, Tinnie! :) Yeah, by looking at the metro map, you would have never guessed that the train turns around. How is that even possible in a regular big city???

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