Page 125 of Steve15 Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Thailand August 3rd 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933Although the rainy season still has a long way to run I am bored with having an empty garden so make a start. I decide to try and grow something under cover to keep the worst of the rains off. I make a small bench with stripped bamboo and cover it with netting to keep out the many different 'creatures' we love so much and prepare a covering to go over at night or when the rains start. Try some assorted lettuce, cherry tomatoes and leeks. Do not hold out much hope but fingers crossed.... read more

Asia » Thailand August 2nd 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933At last the rice planting is finished. I am exhausted, honest ... We head out to the farm to check up on the results of my work before going into town. They completed work on the main road from the village into town last year and did a pretty good job but left strectches of road as they were. With the rains coming again even the new road is getting damaged overnight and every time we go have to be careful to avoid new holes that are large enough to swallow a motorbike or three. The old road is dreadful !!... read more
And here's some that I prepared earlier
Did I really do all of that !!
The real worker, or one of them

Asia » Thailand August 1st 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933I think that Cher must have been travelling in Thailand when you wrote her song all of those years ago. If you leave anything lying around here it is gone. The worst offenders from our point of view are Jai's brother and his wife next door. I have just made a bar to lock off our side gate overnight. It is not foolproof and if someone really wants to get in they will just climb over the wall but hopefully it will send out a message. I wonder how long before someone complains about it ... ?... read more

Asia » Thailand July 31st 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933Am now celebrating brithdays of people I don't even know. George visited to ask me to share a beer or three with him to mark his son Gabriel's 25th birthday. He is actually in Hawaii working at the large observatory there.... read more

Asia » Thailand July 30th 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933We always keep a record of our weight whilst we here to see how much and how q uickly it drops after leaving England. Upon arrival Jai was 62.5kg and is now 59.7 whilst I have dropped from 66.2 to a measly 62.4... read more

Asia » Thailand July 24th 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933Returning from the farm after collecting Jai this evening I had a close encounter with a chicken. Moral from this story is that when a chicken and a motorbike meet head on the chicken usually loses !! I am sure that I saw him run away whilst checking the rear view mirror, well, fairly sure ... I am having a chicken's head painted onto the tank of the bike just in case.... read more

Asia » Thailand July 23rd 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933Well, not for another month or so but I have just started planning our trip for when my 90 day visa needs renewing. Am having dreams about real bread already !!... read more

Asia » Thailand July 19th 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933No, not a cake but some golf. Get up in the middle of the night (02:00 -04:00) to watch the final round of The Open from St Andrews.... read more

Asia » Thailand July 18th 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933Well, tree planters actually but that wasn't the joke was it. Our front garden gets direct sun all afternoon and evening and we have tried several times to plant trees without success for a variety of reasons - neighbours standing on them being just the one. Today we acquire two more trees from a friend and try our luck again.... read more

Asia » Thailand July 16th 2010

Geo: 16.3833, 103.933Today we stole 2 papaya trees from Jai's brother next door and have rehoused them, for their own protection, in our back garden where we can nuture them.Jai has employed 15 people today to plant her rice at the farm using the money that we 'collected' whilst in Gloucester. By the end of the day about half of the fields were complete and she was well pleased.... read more

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