Stephen Paul's Guestbook

2nd August 2007

"Letters to Romania"
SOOO kind! My above water camera is good, but my underwater digital is a "Sealife Reefmaster Mini". Romania, how cool! Someday I will see the enchanting Transylvanian Alps!!! :)
2nd August 2007

Pico you know its not wheelchair accesible, besides your knees could take it to this place. THanks to Christina!
31st July 2007

Your photos look unreal...I think u have a great cam! I totally love them....I wish mine were half as beautiful as I decided to watch them all...good luck with your travels and don't stop taking pics or many ppl will be sad :) Greetings from Romania, Europe
31st July 2007

I've been following your blog and where you travel is a photographer's dream. You do a beautiful job of capturing your environment and it creates a desire in me to go to the places you go. I hope my pictures could come out as appealing as yours do. If you ever need a travel buddy, count me in.
31st July 2007

I love your pics. I live in Santa Barbara and had no idea our water could produce pictures like this. Great stuff
16th July 2007

Great pics!
Wow! Again I'm really jealous. These pictures really turned out great. I'm impressed. Sounds like you didn't have a good time, huh? Just playing. I'm sure you were in heaven! Take care, Angela
12th July 2007

looks like youve hit a nerve with someone... neanwhile i just thought the photos of poo were funny!! keep enjoying your travels xoxox
12th July 2007

My Position from the High Horse
Travelblog is filled with people travelling the globe, true "Hardcore Travellers" coloring the visited countries map more red than 10 frogs in a blender. I am not one of them. Self righteous travellers see their way as the only way, whereas I see my style of travelling as only right for me. Strong opinions make for great reading. For me, authenticity in travelling comes from two things- Attempting to learn about the language/culture of the place you are visiting, and learning about the native flora and fauna as well. Im not the first to talk about the Gringo Trail and Gringo Travellers using the America's as a checkerboard to jump their way across two continents- it is quite a well documented phenomenon! I wouldn't expect anyone from Britain or its territories(self-rightousness par excellence) to understand what America is all about. Yes I am white, yes I am from California and yes I claim a stronger bond to Latin and South American countries than anyone in Australia, Germany or England. The Spanish Empire and its ensuing effects on cultures are still being felt today here in the America's. A 18th century Spanish Mission that turned Indians into slaves is 1 km away from my home as I write this, half of the community I live with speaks spanish, and I see America as one family with many branches- North America, Latin America and South America. You said I am an American, and it's true- But I am no more American than Mexicans, Columbians, Brazilians or Chileans. One America, divided. Most people would go to Spain and marvel at the architecture- I would be disgusted at the opulence built on the backs of millions of slaves and Spanish subjects. For this reason yes, I see myself as coming from a position slightly more authentic than most travellers not attempting to learn any Spanish and transiently travelling through Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Ecuador. For me travelling in America, be it North or South, is something far more meaningful than a trip around the world. Utopia, Conquest, Subjugation, Extermination, Rebirth. These are the social scars common in every inch of American soil- from Alaska to Patagonia.
12th July 2007

I didn't think I CONSTANTLY criticize them do I? And for the record, I can speak Spanish but Im not fluent or consider myself an excellent speaker by any stretch. Also, I never once said I am a "hardcore traveller" nor would I want to be considered one! Furthermore I never claim anything in my posts, but maybe my next post will be titled "I am the only authentic traveller" just to piss you off. And I didn't make a gringo mistake by having my wallet stolen from my tent in the middle of the night, it was the thief who had a lapse of ethics. I take short vacations because I have a career where I work 50 hours a week. All my travelling is done on the side, in addition to working, saving and living in the real world. Im not a 23 year old student freshly out of school with time to burn and no roots to pull up. "self-right·eous adjective confident of one's own righteousness, esp. when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others." Yes, I would say that is generally true as I am rarely tolerant of the behavior of people I find offensive to other cultures. And frankly, I dont know how I could enjoy my vacations anymore than I already do! The view is nice from the saddle.
12th July 2007

Nice blog
I must say your photos are wonderful. However, why do you constantly criticise "gringo travellers". Just because you can speak Spanish, you claim to be more authentic than anyone else travelling the globe. If you're such a hardcore traveller, why do you only take short "vacations"? Congratulations on having US$400 stolen from you - you just made the same mistake a "gringo traveller" makes... Your self-righteous attitude labels you an American no doubt... Enjoy your 10 day vacation. You might enjoy it more if you get off your high horse...
11th July 2007

stephen, now it's my turn to see south america through the eyes of other hikers and cyclists. your evocative photos and words remind me of our fantastic hike in torres del paine. if anything, it is more magical in winter than in summer. thanks for the memories! chao, claire
7th July 2007

My son STEVE
Isn't my son Steve just amazing !!! I cn't take credit for any of his amazing talents.
4th July 2007

incredible pictures
Stephen, these are incredible pictures. You have an incredible talent! You having great seeing eyes and a gift for sharing with others the beauty that your eyes have seen.
4th July 2007

this is so good, thanks for this page n pic about my town : vilcun is my life n the mountains of the country thanks this makes me feel happy
3rd July 2007

i didnt think you could see the southern cross if you werent in aus... or maybe its just upside down for you! liilt youin all those big mountains!
29th June 2007

Stunning pics and great text as always. I especially liked the "Southern Cross, Lenga Tree" shot. Can't wait to get to Torres del Paine myself in 6 months! Best wishes, Ruth.
29th June 2007

Great Pics
Stephen, great pics and keep the hard work of putting pics on your travelblog. I personally know the painstaking time and committment of not only taking photos but also putting them into a travelblog. Great work
28th June 2007

Your pics are terrific!
First of all, Guanaco looks really adorable! The calf, with the long eye lashes and big eyes, is like a girl to me :) The photos of Part 2 are breath-taking, well done. Really look forward to going there some day. What's more, you write well. Keep going! You rock.
28th June 2007

I saw your photos on the main travelblog page and thought they were paintings.
28th June 2007

Million Thanks!
Thank you all for your kind words. I wish I could quit my day job, but Val you of all people know how we LOVE being Nuke Med Techs! And whena re Wendy and Stuart coming to California??
27th June 2007

Fantastic Photos
Your photos or Torres Del Paine are fantastic. Keep up the great work and have fun on your travels.
27th June 2007

Honestly you should quit your day job! Great Pictures.
27th June 2007

Professional Photographer...
... making it to the Travelblog homepage yet again ..... Genius!!! Well done and totally justified given the beutiful pics x
27th June 2007

Stephen, those are the most incredible, majestic photos. The movement of the clouds, the gorgeous mountains, the crisp colors of the lake and the snow...awesome!!!!

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