RichieO's Guestbook

26th May 2014

These are awesome pics. Think the girls would love the ones with you guys and the kangaroos!
26th May 2014

What a great day! Nice animal photos from the sanctuary. Glad to see the classic "went to Australia and took a picture with a kangaroo".
26th May 2014

That is so cute. The kangaroo looks so comfortable with you, A. Linda.
25th May 2014

You seem to be having the perfect traveling weather. Australia is so scenic, beautiful photos.
25th May 2014

I'm impressed with how clean everything looks. Is it like that everywhere? Beautiful country, perfect weather, much to see and do. Hope you're enjoying. Still waiting for a food picture, please.
25th May 2014

It's so nice when we're all singing from the same hymnal...and good to find a Catholic Church to go to on vacation.
24th May 2014

Love any photos around water, and these look beautiful. You both look relaxed. Wish I were there with you.
18th May 2014

Everything looks beautiful. Wish we were there!
16th May 2014

I finally found my way to your blog! Took a while, but I've been a little busy. Love reading about your adventures and looking at the pictures. Hope you're both enjoying every moment. Also hope that you're getting some much-needed relaxatio
n time.What? No food pictures? We miss you but are doing fine without you (hah!!). Really, all is well here, so just have fun!
23rd August 2013

I have about half a minute here to comment, so want to say I love, love everything about this vacation! The pictures are gorgeous, and you both seem so relaxed. Can't wait to hear more about it when you get home! Love to you both.
18th August 2013

Hello from Michigan! So glad you're relaxing and enjoying the gorgeous sights! I'm more than a little bit envious of this trip. Just looking at the pictures is calming. We miss you both but happy you're having a good time!!
16th August 2013

Yummm!!! I can taste the mahi mahi right now. So glad to hear you are enjoying yourselves. You absolutely deserve it. Take care! Xxoo
From Blog: Life is good
15th August 2013

Wow I love the pictures Everything looks different since 1952 Have fun
15th August 2013

Life indeed looks good for you two!! I'd say it's time for a little R&R and no alarm clocks. Enjoy and keep sending the pictures; they're beautiful!!!
From Blog: Life is good
14th August 2013

Nice picture of you two! Wish we could be there too! Pictures are beautiful.
28th June 2012

Gotta say I think this has been your best journey. I've enjoyed following every day of it. I know you miss your family, and we miss you, but I'd still be sad to say arrivederci, Roma. Oh, and I hope you got used to the heat; think it's supp
osed to be over 100 here tomorrow. Welcome Home!!!!
27th June 2012

Don't even know what to say - the Blue Grotto is amazing!!
26th June 2012

The view behind "just me" and "me too" is fabulous. Ok, I've been able to listen to you talk about the wonderful food, have been a little envious but ok with it - until you mentioned olive salad. I want one of those really, really bad. Hope
you got a recipe!!
25th June 2012

Really, all I can say is wow! What do you feel when you're actually standing there looking at this amazing beauty?
From Blog: Vatican Visit
25th June 2012

What an amazing combination of old and new! You're seeing historical sites that date back thousands of years and then some modern-day shops and restaurants. Starting to wonder if you'll really want to come back. Are you hearing music anywhe
re? If so, what kind..more classical or modern or both?
22nd June 2012

Dang, those steel fermentation tanks are massive. I mean, I was thinking it would be cool to bring one home. We're having hot weather here too, but we're not touring; staying in the AC. Hey, Linda, were you giggling after the wine tasting?
22nd June 2012

I can imagine the condition you were in after all that wine!
22nd June 2012

Thanks for the "just us" photo, about time. As far as the interior of the churches and the Trevi Fountain, I am speechless just looking at the pictures; can't imagine what it's like to actually be there! Enjoy every moment!!!
From Blog: Veni, Vidi, Roma
21st June 2012

Yum! That's all I can say
20th June 2012

Fascinated by the bridge built in 1345 -- and by the churches, the paintings, the architecture, the markets, the food, etc. The Prada shop looked pretty interesting too. Don't you just want to buy something from everywhere? Can we somehow g
et a photo of the two of you? Ciao!

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