Page 2 of Poica Travel Blog Posts

Asia » China » Shandong » Muping March 3rd 2009

Started training yesterday at 6 am when I went out for Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Tai Chi was a lovely introduction. It's very restful and requires more grace and balance than power. Qi Gong is a different matter. In Qi Gong you spend your time cultivating your Qi or life force, and there are 4 major points to do this - the palms of each hand, the top of your head and your belly button. In Qi Gong we had to get into horse-riding stance (which puts a lot of pressure on the Quadriceps and calves), put our hand in front of us with the palms facing each other, close our eyes, and move the hands out as we breathed in and in as we breathed out. We do this for about 15-20 minutes. This ... read more

Asia » China » Shandong » Yantai March 1st 2009

So, after my last post I headed out and saw The Forbidden City (and had a group of girls ask if they could have their pictures taken with me...I was like a white celebrity. It was weird, but they said I was beautiful, so I was okay with it), which was awesome and from which I have a few pictures. I then went to the train station and caught the sleeper from Beijing to Yantai, which was quite cool - the rocking motion of the train was very relaxing, but the heat was stifling. My eating's a bit weird at the moment; on the train all I ate was 8 biscuits, but hopefully that'll sort itself out once I'm in a routine. On the train a little boy kept coming over and looking at me and ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing February 27th 2009

After writing the blog last night, I had a shower, had dinner and went to bed at about 9pm, with my alarm set for 6 the next morning so I had plenty of time to get my train tickets, check out of the hostel by midday and see a little of Beijing. Going to bed at 9pm had its own problems, notably that young people are usually preparing to go out at 9pm, so the corridor outside my room was noisy. No problem, I put in earplugs to let me sleep and dropped off fairly quickly. Genius. NO! NOT GENIUS! I woke up to the sounds of people moving about in the corridor (one earplug had fallen out), looked at my clock and saw that it was 12 already - my alarm of course makes noise ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing February 27th 2009

So at 6 am on Thursday I set off to China. So far this has involved a 3 hour car drive, a 5 hour wait at Heathrow, a 6 hour flight to Doha, a 10 minute wait at Doha, an 8 hour flight to Beijing, an hour long wait at Beijing, an hour bus journey and an hour's walking. I'm not entirely sure if I'm tired or not, but at the moment the room seems to be rocking ever so slightly and I must have had a maximum of 4 hours sleep since I woke up at 5 yesterday. It's about 10 in the morning for you, so that's 29 hours... Getting on the plane I found my window seat was on the wing, which, whilst being probably the safest place does mean dull views. A ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Shropshire » Telford February 23rd 2009

So I fly to China in 65 hours, but I decided that before I go I should enter a blog entry. So I'm going to be learning Kung Fu in China from Shaolin Monks this time next week, and for the next 2 months. This was always an ambitious project considering training is a minimum of 6 hours a day, 5 days a week at the academy, but made more so by my previously lamentable state of fitness. Everyone has a favourite "Katherine's rubbish at sports" story. Say "sprinting" to my family, it's a funny story. Say "hamster" to my friends, similarly funny story (also interestingly involving sprinting). Even "static trapeze" has its moments. I have always been awful at sports; it was the only class at school I got a detention for. But hey, not ... read more

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