Page 2 of Ms Bee Travel Blog Posts

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin January 24th 2010

Well, I want to show Kirk all that I am learning here in China when he comes to check on things in March... I took some advice from my students, and bought a few cds by their collective favorite Chinese singer - a 30something man from Taiwan who goes by Jay Chou. I have spent hours listening to one song in particular and coaching myself through the lyrics. A few of the Chinese English teachers talked me into KTVing (karaoke) with them yesterday night. I didn't quite feel 100% prepared to butcher their language in a small room with them (I was the only American, and felt severely under-represented) I brought the lyrics with me. They made me sing it 4 times before the KTV closed. We had a private room for 6 hours. I was ... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin January 16th 2010

No one can tell me that I am not getting enough fiber in my Zhong Guo diet. I am nursing a steaming cup of Gui Hua Cha...which is the tea this beautiful city is famous for - Osmanthus Tea. I just inhaled a twig...although as it forced its way down my esophagus it felt more like an enormous branch. I am still feeling my way around the art of tea-making. I have endless ingredients, although when it comes to making the perfect cup of tea, I am still a bit hopeless. I have jasmine flowers and osmanthus flowers, green tea leaves, those brown balls...whatever they are called, dried mandarin slices, jasmine-infused green tea leaves...osmanthus-infused green tea leaves. The list is endless. Well, that's not quite true. It ends with the osmanthus-infused green tea leaves. So far ... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin January 11th 2010

This is a picture of my little, Mandarin mandarin man. That's a mouthful...isn't it?? Do you prefer it in Black and White or Color?... read more
My little Mandarin mandarin man

Asia » China » Guangxi January 11th 2010

I enjoy writing. I like putting words together on a page...or a screen and letting my thoughts and ideas pour out of me like the rain water here in Guilin. When I was young, I thought that I could write a book, and get it published. I had a title, and 17 typed pages on my IBM-POS laptop from the Dark Ages that I had set up on my desk in my bedroom. I wrote mostly about crushes and boys and how I felt like a Teenage Superwoman, putting up with all the drama of High School. In reality, my drama was no more or less than anyone else...I think it just felt like it. Seventeen pages. That's pretty good for a fourteen year-old. I have had term papers in college that didn't need to be ... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin January 10th 2010

Guilin is changing and growing every second. My mind can't keep up with it all. They paved what used to be a narrow back road just outside of the South Gate of's now got two lanes, and they have cleaned all the debris away and are putting in a side walk and pretty little planters. What used to be a dusty, dark alley has turned into a busy, noisy mini-COSWAY. It's not just that street, they are doing road construction all over the city. I wonder if it will be finished by the time my parents get here. There are big piles of stone slabs (for the reconstruction of the sidewalks) littering the scooter lanes all over town. I, myself, have been changing with China... I decided that this new life experience called for a ... read more
My (not-so) New Scooter
The View

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin January 2nd 2010

It rained again today. My life this past week has felt a bit soggy and unremarkable. Wikipedia will tell us that Southeast Asia's monsoon season falls in late spring through the beginning of summer. I would disagree at the moment. I missed Christmas. I missed Christmas Eve at Grandma's, and Christmas morning with my parents and brother. I missed Christmas day with my dad's sisters and the family that they themselves have accumulated over the years. I wouldn't say I missed America...but I certainly missed the holiday spirit that infects Americans from Thanksgiving until New Years. It wasn't the same. I have grown so accustomed to being driven nearly insane by the gaudy overproduction of the Christmas season...perhaps all it takes to appreciate it is to spend the holiday in a place where the people don't ... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin November 28th 2009

On Thursday the boys and I celebrated Thanksgiving. Each person was responsible for bringing something to the table. I was asked to make green beans and bring a desert to share. I bought a truly awful Chinese cake...but that's really a side-note in my story. The day started off well enough. I took my NEW SCOOTER out into Chinese traffic for the first time. It was scary, but I soldiered on and made it back in one piece. I bought the cake right after class ended around 5, then hurried home to make the green beans. I spent the better part of a half hour rinsing and preparing the beans, then I moved over to the stove top to start cooking. I lit the gas stove as I have dozens of times before...but this time there ... read more
The Victim
Mashing the potatoes
The Heisman

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin November 28th 2009

A week and a half ago students from Guangxi Normal painted the trunks of all the trees on campus. I have no idea why. I saw them going to town on the trees outside of my apartment as I was leaving for class, and couldn't help but smile and think of the Disney movie "Alice in Wonderland." All of the cards were painting the roses white and red because the queen had ordered it so. No one knew why, they just followed instructions. I think this tree-painting activity was very much the same idea.... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin November 28th 2009

Three weeks ago there was a second coming and I was fortunate enough to document it. The osmanthus trees bloomed again. They weren't nearly as lush, but the fragrant parfume consumed the campus again. It was lovely.... read more

Asia » China » Guangxi » Guilin November 13th 2009

I wanted to be sure to get some pictures of the market where I buy all the meat and produce I could possibly need in one lifetime.... read more
Good luck finding parking...
Produce department
There is no question that it's fresh...

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