Ms Bee's Guestbook

21st September 2009

want to see the market
I am sending 2 new camera batteries today with your package. I hope it arrives soon so you can take pictures of the dirty market -- my kind of place. Rick Leisowitz said "don't throw away your bum battery!" since he will be able to return it for credit (about $40) from Canon that you can apply to some other purchase. We'll bring the battery home with us in February if it is too much hassle to ship or mail it.
21st September 2009

Hey girl! I just figured out that u were using this blogging system! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I miss you so much already! Going to the famer's market this summer with you and your mom was fun! Also, sushi here in iowa city at the old capitol mall was fun as well.. Anyways, I need to know when you are free to chat via skype so I can tell you how my 21st bday went. well anyways i'm heading off to bed, i'm tired. hope to hear from you soon! <3 Bridget
20th September 2009

clare... yes, katie does sound like a good friend to confide in. Glad you have her support, and friendship. tried skyping you this am at 8ish our time, to no avail..... another time. have a great day/eve. :) love, aunt annie
20th September 2009

Hey hun! I was wondering where you were blogging this whole time about your trip! Looks to me like you are having a wonderful time in China! ;-) So have you been in contact with very many people from the states? Also, when is a good time to skype? I miss going to the farmer's market with you and your mom already... :-( Hey, and now that I am legal, we are gong to have to go out when you get back asap! I will have to tell you how the bday party went once you let me know when you are available to talk via skype! hope to hear from you soon! <3 Bridget
20th September 2009

Bargaining at the Night Market
You will just have to wait and see what I bargained for. It's not as cool as the real thing...but I'll hang onto it for a while, and eventually it will be old.
19th September 2009

Those pics are very cool. I need to learn how to post, and suppose all I need to do is ask emma how.... let me know if wed. works for you re: skype. love, auntie annie
From Blog: Photos
19th September 2009

one month!!!!
Has it really been one month since you left for china? wow. i bet you believe that time will indeed fly. You are having fun, it sounds like, and have a core group to hang with during "off hours". There is truely an important facet to having a female friend to hang with. Where is Katie from? So you are also going to teach Spanish? wow. Emma is taking Spanish again at Merrill, and Charlie and Willis will begin their one afternoon a week at DTS for six weeks, Spanish as well. I should brush up on mine, then when your china trip is all said and done, we could all go to some Spanish speaking country. :) I bet your "American breakfast" was a treat... complete with OJ!!! Tell me about the shopping there. And the fashions. do the students wear uniforms? This morning, Dave, the kids and I went to the Beaverdash, a 5K run and/or walk. Willis blasted through with a smashing 23 minutes. I made it in 27.5...... Dave and Charlie mostly walked. The run is a big thing for grandmas friends, and people that go to your church, the Repplingers. We had a great time. Then, we went to Barnes and Noble for DTS fundraiser. Later, if I can get the boys, I will go to hear an African Drum group at a coffee shop downtown. Life is good, and the weather continues to be spectacular, with a hint of fall in the evenings, but 75 to 80 during the days. We love you, Clare, and, are back on-line, so let's set another skype meeting!!!!!!! shall we try for wednesday again? 6 our time???? Take care, and happy teaching! Make it fun for the kids.
16th September 2009

The Feitz has a website
And the address is :
8th September 2009

Hi, Clare! Sounds like you are having a great time, and meeting others who, I am sure will become good friends throughout this teaching experience of yours. My hope is some of these will become life-long friends, as well, as you journey through your life experiences. My intent in receiveing these posts from you, will be used as a bit of an educational tool for the kids. Tonight, I plan to show them the flag, a map, (on your blog) and talk about your connections with what you post. had a great wknd. The weather was lovely here, and we went to the farm, picked pears and apples, and grant took over the grilling responsibilities since your dad was at the lake with the chase's. back in school today. Rider and I are off on a run on this lovely, warm Iowa late summer's day. love you. aunt annie.
8th September 2009

I guess I would be happier to enjoy the meal and not know the contents.
8th September 2009

No photos!? Your description is lovely, but I would also like to see the lights, pagodas, lakes, bridges and markets. What did you bargain for?

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