Michellepav's Guestbook

19th October 2017

BOAT TOUR in Can Tho
Who was the provider for your boat tour in Can Tho? How did you get this tour? Kindly advise.
19th October 2017

Boat Tour
https://www.facebook.com/susan.bui.14 Susan Bui - Susan did a great job. Also arrange RT transport via private car from Ho chi min City
21st February 2017

Your trip
Michelle, your descriptions are so eloquent - make me one feel like they are there too! Keep up the great job in helping people have a place to call their own. Lovely pictures
17th February 2017

Thanks for updates!
Many thanks to Michelle for blogging about the Cambodia trip. I'm a friend of Carol Anne Harrell. Sending love to Carol Anne and prayers to all of you.
16th February 2017

You Go Girl!
So glad to hear that things are going according to plan. Can't wait for your return to hear more details of the team's accomplishments. Travel safely, and have some fun along the way.
8th February 2017

Hello from the other side of the earth!
Michelle---I'm so proud of you and think you are so cool! Thanks for sharing your adventures! Stay Safe!
21st January 2017

Follow trip
Friend do CRol Ann Harrell would like to follow your trip to. Cambodia
8th July 2016

Your update
Michelle, your writing is so eloquent that one almost a feels like they are there with you. You and the team should be very proud of yourselves for a job well done and coming back even more richer in your hearts
8th July 2016

Your kind words
Renee, I know you are like mi dedwards@shanercorp.com. I hope we can share another opportunity in the future.
8th July 2016

Your kind words
Renee, I know you are like mi dedwards@shanercorp.com. I hope we can share another opportunity in the future.
29th June 2016

You Go Girl!
Michelle, I love hearing all about your adventures. The house looks like it is moving along quickly! Stay safe!
29th June 2016

water bucket
I wish I had a video of you trying to carry a bucket of water on your head!
29th June 2016

photos exist, but I will have to get them from someone else.
28th June 2016

Thank you
Michelle, Thank you for the updates and for all you are doing in Malawi!
28th June 2016

Brick Building
Michelle - Love reading your blog and especially love the photos. Please keep the updates coming!
27th June 2016

Great Day!
Sounds like a really good day. Getting the brick-laying started, communing with the villagers (especially the kids). You go, girl! How hot is it? Don
28th June 2016

Celery then July in NC
It is in the high 80s. The sun is really hot. But it is a dry heat. :-)
27th June 2016

Sounds like a wonderful start Michelle. So glad you all arrived safely! Hearing about your partners makes me know how important your work will be. Good luck on Monday and we'll look forward to hearing more!
23rd June 2016

Safe Trip
Hope you get some sleep on the trip so you can dive into the work when you get there. We'll be eagerly awaiting your next blog entry. See you in a few weeks! Don
23rd June 2016

Safe Travels!
Travel safely and have a fabulous and productive trip! Look forward to reading about it!
23rd June 2016

Was actually just thinking about emailing you today to see how you are doing and now I see you are off on an adventure. Be safe I look forward to reading the blog.
23rd June 2016

Way to go!
Way to go, Michelle! Thank you for your dedication to service throughout the world!
23rd June 2016

Grateful for our mission team!
Michelle, thank you for chronicling this journey. I am grateful for you, Kevin, and the entire team for representing Habitat Wake and building with families in Malawi. Prayers abound for you, Kevin, Rachel, Ellie, Mitch, Lisa, Brian, Charlie and the other team members I hope to meet. I pray for your safety, stamina, and joy! Blessings, Nancy

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