Michael Theobalds' Guestbook

31st August 2012

Thanks for a really evocative blog post. One of the best I've ever read from the island. Simon
31st August 2012

Welcome news
Thanks for the update Di - informative and amusing! I have struggled to hear Michael on the radio, although I suspect I've been listening to the wrong station... Are you able to provide precise details, time, frequency etc. please?
23rd August 2012

Hallo Di. We have not met but Michael may have mentioned that he and I became friends coming out on the ship together. I so much enjoyed your two blogs. You are obviously interested in everything and reading your various notes actually gives me an appetite to come back to the island some time (I only did an 8 day holiday there). My wife and I live in Cape Town (although currently in the UK) and are hoping M will stopover with us on his way home next March. Are you returning via Cape Town. If so when. We would love to meet you. We get back on 25 September. All good wishes to you both - Peter
21st August 2012

Di's blogs
Hi Di and Mike Thanks for your educative (a word that I learned from Chris Woodhead!) and entertaining reports. Enjoy your great adventure. Re the St Helena radio newsreaders, I shall never criticise Radio Shropshire again! Bob
19th August 2012

Di's Blog
Great to here you arrived safe and sound, if when you get back to CT an you have time do get up table mountain it really is worth it. Look forward to next blog x
17th August 2012

Di's journey
Hi both, Pam Myers introduced me to your blog. I have caught up with the news &look forward to hearing more about your exciting adventure! Sounds a bit different from Much Wenlock!
16th August 2012

St Helena in the UK News
Hi Di and Michael, Thanks for the blog Di, sounds brill. Glad you had a good trip. We are in Fife for a couple of weeks, so I am typing this in Anstruther library. Just wanted to say that St Helena was in the news this morning regarding the planned building of a runway (£25m!) Sounds as if it would be cheaper to give all the residents a fat wodge so they could live somewhere else!! I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that! Have a great time together. Hope we can catch up when you get back. All the best, Colin
13th August 2012

Glad to hear you arrived safely!
The weather sounds much like we are having in GB - other than that it sounds very exotic - unlike GB. Let us know when you are bored!
12th August 2012

At last!
Great to hear from you Di and glad that you landed safely. Looking forward to further updates from a female perspective...
29th July 2012

Michael it is so good to read about the improved assessments of the children you have been working with. I am impressed and it must be rewarding to feel that you are having such a positive effect. I am intrigued by the ad which appears immediately under the end of this blog, for 'Ballerina pumps'. Are we to assume this is just a Google response to your brief reference to ballroom dancing, or is there something you are not telling us about how you spend those evenings (Wed and Thurs) you have omitted from your weekly record? Anyway, thanks again for an instructive and entertaining read! Peter
23rd July 2012

ideas for something to do.
Why not start your brewery on St Helena? Simon
23rd July 2012

Home thoughts from abroad album by clifford t ward was my favourite years ago and echoes the poem by the Browning poet. Infact it was the only album I ever bought and have never bought another since!!! I leave that to the hubby. Love Mary
23rd July 2012

Home Thoughts
I am guessing I will be disqualified for obvious reasons, but the connection between Robert Browning and Clifford T Ward is that the latter wrote a brilliant song entitled Home Thoughts from Abroad, mentioning the poem by the former; the song being played occasionally on an outstanding radio show on St Helena by a modest and unassuming presenter...
23rd July 2012

Michael, you insult your avid readers! Your blog title was either pinched from the title of Robert Browning's poem or from another plagiarist whose popular music disc has been around for nearly forty years. Good to read your news. We shall see Di this week and admire the tropical kit she's bought for the voyage. I also understand that she's stocked up on Werther's Originals to sustain your sweet tooth through the autumn. The weather has (probably briefly) turned here and it's another bright sunny day, so I mustn't waste it. Take care.
27th June 2012

Tons and tonnes
Hi Michael, I've always wanted to say something along the lines of "let me through, I'm a maths teacher" so here goes..... The two measures of weight (or more correctly mass) are virtually the same, which I think is purely by coincidence I believe, but could be wrong. The old imperial ton is eqivalent to 2240 lbs and a metric tonne (1000kg) converts to 2200lbs. I'll take my anorak off now!! Great to read your blog, hope Di has a good trip. Colin
26th June 2012

You never really got over that tribute-band evening at Ludlow Castle, did you? ("My life is whizzing by very fast, but this evening it has almost ground to a halt. I keep looking at my watch in the hope that it's nearly going-home time, and find it's only two minutes after the last time I looked")
26th June 2012

Norwgian Wood
Of course, the Beatles music was also influenced by the Vikings ... happy to report that certain other Vikings close to my heart do not carry the C & W gene .. nor the offspring (as you have probably heard!!) Keep up the good work Bill ..... seems that you have a ready job in maths education for Di when she arrives ???
21st June 2012

Top 3
Oh Michael! How little you know of the fairer sex! Or some of us at any rate! I spend my life debating top 3s and sometimes have to extend to top 5s and in one instance top 10s but lets not go there! Love reading your blogs and hope sporting prowess shines through! Ellie x
From Blog: Top 3 Scandal
16th June 2012

I'm afraid that your one good idea seems to have been nicked!
From Blog: Top 3 Scandal
16th June 2012

Top 3 response
Shame on you Mike Theobalds- not like you to deal in stereotypes!! I have been indulging in top 3s for a long time- we have a facebook section dedicated to it. Plenty of us females like categorising, list making, organising, etc etc- the autistic spectrum is not a purely male preserve. Here's some - admittedly more bizarre ones to think about. How about top 3: 1) places to have an extra eye 2) eras to live through 3) time wasting occupations 4) top 3s 5) bizarre top 3s Keep up the blogging- always lifts me Heather x
From Blog: Top 3 Scandal
13th June 2012

St Helena Island
I enjoy reading your blog i am from the Island now live abroad i like to keep my eyes on the Island as i am hoping to return this year i have created a site for the community of the Island http://www.clickonsthelenaisland.com hopefully c u at donnys soon to watch the sun go down.
7th June 2012

Pleased to have your update, Michael. As you doubtless realise, as you gloat over the BBC weather reports, the rain in Shropshire continues unabated regardless of torches, jubilees or bowls engagements. Last evening's warm-up friendly was abandoned before the stalwart players left the changing room and instead there was a team-talk in the dog-free bar of the Gaskell Arms. It's good to learn that you are keeping in training. We'd hate to be handicapped by you not being match fit if you make the team for the 2013 season. It'll be interesting to know if your splendid "top three" suggestion makes it onto the South Atlantic airwaves. After all the criticism the BBC has attracted for its jubilee broadcasting, they're probably desperate for fresh blood and new ideas, so there may be a career in light entertainment awaiting your return to Blighty!
31st May 2012

Mike, Really enjoyed the post in a sadistic sort of way. Sorry he is causing you so much trouble. I'm not surprised he is being a pain. He is used to coming and going as he pleases and has oceans of turf to himself. He would only ever spend minutes in the house per day. As you said, hopefully he will just come and go now and keep himself happy. Keep me posted. By the way I am 25 floors up in a bangkok hotel, a different planet. Owen
28th May 2012

My my, your patience and understanding isn't that saintly-like quality that I recall from long evenings at tribute band concerts at Ludlow Castle! And relax...
19th May 2012

You have a wonderful way with words!
Thoroughly enjoyed your blog - brought smiles to me on this grey wet May(!) Saturday afternoon. Thanks Mike. Colin

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