Page 14 of Marty Freeman Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia November 11th 2006

We had an early breakfast buffet and then went for a morning walk with Michael in which he oriented us to the downtown area of Christchurch. Then we boarded the coach and went to Lyttelton. We toured the Lyttelton Time Ball station with a good explanation what communication was in the late 1800s. That evening we had a farewell to New Zealand and then on to Christchurch symphony concert. Then back to hotel to pack for departure tomorrow. Hope all you toga clad members of Forum cast had a good audience dress and opening night with full audiences. Break a Leg!!! I'm thinking about all of you guys.... read more
Michael Goldschmidt
Guide at Time Ball
Time Ball

Oceania » Australia November 10th 2006

We traveled to Invercargill by coach about a two and one half hour drive and went to the Southland Museum. We had lunch there. Then we went to the airport and processed our luggage. We had to wait about 45 minutes more. The plane was delayed due to bad weather. We loaded onto a Turboprop and flew to Christchurch. We met Michael Goldschmidt. quickly drop off the luggage at the hotel and then went to Riccarton House and Bush(Forest). We were given a tour of the house and grounds - The beautiffly built estate of the Dean family who were early Europen settlers of the province of Canterbury. Then we had dinner and went to bed exhausted in a new place. Our room here, after the "town house" at Te Anau, leaves a lot to be ... read more
Southland Reptile
Riccarton House
Dinning Room

Oceania » Australia November 9th 2006

Another beautiful day with beautiful weather. Morning drive to Milford Sound (really a fiord) was long but everything was "frosted" with snow and mountail vistas were beautiful. Then we "sailed" on the Milford Mariner the length of the fiord to the Tasman Sea and back again. The air was cool and crisp and the scenery was breathtaking. Back on the coach we returned to Te Anau. I slept most of the way. The "frosting" was replaced by the sun shining on the trees. What a beautiful day. Liz (our guide) and Peter ( our driver) were patient and gave us many photo stops, comfort stops, and snacks along the way. I had salmon for dinner in Te Anau hotel restaurant--tender flackey and good. Now to pack and prepare for tomorrow.... read more
Avalance fields
Kea bird

Oceania » Australia November 8th 2006

This morning we first went on an old fashioned steamer boat to cruise Lake Wakatipu. The Ernslaw took us to the other end of the lake to Walter Peak Station ( a sheep farm), a demonstration of sheep dogs working the sheep, and shearing a sheep was done for us. Then we had a barbeque buffet at the homestead house there. It snowed at higher elevations while raining where we were on the lake. Then we took the Ernslaw back to Queenstown and left immediately by coach for Te Anau. We got to the new hotel in town, checked in, Marty swam, and John did laundry. After dinner we had a presentation on avalanch control on the Milford Road in preperation for tomorrow's field trip. ... read more
Sheepsheering Demonstration
Sue holds the lamb
Snow on bushes

Oceania » Australia November 7th 2006

Monday the 6th of November was a travel day from Rotorua to Queenstown. Tuesday the 7th. After 6 days in the hospital with pneumonia my mom, Jan McClure, died at 9:18 am PST/USA. She was 85 years old. Then at 12:40 pm CST/USA, Jocelyn Martha Hicks was born to Sara and Wade Hicks. Both mother and child are well and recovering from the c/sec birth. Jocelyn's birth wt. was 8 lbs 6 oz. and 19 in. long. I heard her fiesty cry over the phone. One family member has left us and another has joined us. Queenstown, NZ 11/7/06 We went on an historical tour of Queenstown today, by coach, landing in Arrowtown. Sight saw the Lake district Museum, had lunch, walked around the historic goldrush settlement, and saw an area on the river where a ... read more
New family member in recovery room
Proud Daddy
What a View!!!

Oceania » Australia November 5th 2006

I though yesterday was a full day but today we surpassed it. We saw Waimangu Thermal valley-walk and Lake Rotomahana-cruise. Many geothermal sights and I took lots of pictures. After lunch we went to Te Puia arts and crafts center-mainly a Maori Carving school with some more geothermal sights. Then rested for an hour at the hotel. Then we went to Tamaki Village and had Maori Cultural experience--performance and then dinner, one of our many good buffets, and then farewell ceremony. A realy full day. Back to hotel to pack and to bed. ... read more
Turquoise hot springs
Field Trips
our boat to cruise the lake

Oceania » Australia November 4th 2006

A very full day travelling from Aukland to Rotorua with stops at Otorohanga Kiwi House, Lunch at the "Big Apple Cafe", then afternoon at Waitomo Glow Worm Caves. Arrived at Rotorua and checked into hotel. Marty swam in the pool and John did laundry.... read more
Big Apple Cafe
Pink cabbage roses
One beautiful yellow rose

Oceania » Australia November 3rd 2006

Today we started with two short lectures on NZ economics and politics-both good. We had the afternoon free and John and I rode the LINK line bus around Aukland. We first stopped at "Holy Trinity" Anglican Cathedral and toured the buildings there. Second stop at Victoria Market had to be shortened so we could get back to the hotel and make our dinner reservation. We went to the "Harbourside" restaurant in the Ferry Building, the food was good but spendy.... read more
The Link LineLogo
The main stained glass window
Trinity Cathedrale in Aukland

Oceania » Australia November 2nd 2006

Breakfast was much better today with not so many people rushing to get food, beautiful sunny day with the view from the restaurant clear. We were introduced to Dr. John Walsby, marine biologist, first through a lecture in the morning called "the coast line of Aukland." Then through an all day field trip of the North Shore. He was with us the whole day and basically gave us his wealth of knowledge on vulcanology, oceanography, flora and fauna, military strategy/history, paleantology, geology, and any thing else we asked about. He was very energetic, always finding the highest place to stand lecture us. He was personable and enthusiastic and moved so much that the microphone system on the bus would give him lots of static. But we ate up every word and had to work to keep ... read more
Dr. John Walsby
Dr. John Walsby
Dr. John Walsby

Oceania » Australia November 1st 2006

Breakfast this morning was a circus of a learning curve on how to do buffet breakfast for our selves since there were a large number of people trying to have breakfast at the same time. Adjustment-learning curve for everybody. We went to our morning lecture on the history of New Zealand, took a sail with with Pride of Aukland and saw beautiful views of the city from the water. For lunch we went to Eden Gardens and had a lovely light lunch, then walked through the garden to view the flowers. It was a lot like Buchart Gardens in Vitoria, BC. We drove up to Mt. Eden and then to the Aukland Memorial Museum. Mt. Eden is an extinct volcano. ... read more
Austraillian "Yield" Sign
The Pride of Aukland
our sails

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