MajaSteve's Guestbook

28th October 2009

Nearly over
Hi kids, nice to get another blog. Glad everything turned out ok with the 'police' and your passports. That's the type of type of thing we really worry about - anyway alls well that ends well! Can't wait to see you - bet you'll have mixed emotions. Think it will be nice for you to be home, but bet you get itchy feet again after a while. We've got a few people coming round Saturday night - Anna's annual Holloween Party - think Anna has found you some outfits but you are probably experts at putting something together from your time at the ski hotel. I've just ordered an electric heater for the gazebo - should be a great night. See you in a couple of days. Enjoy your last couple of days. Mum xxx
From Blog: Elephant Island
26th October 2009

Welcome back!
Hi, if was lovely to talk to you today Maja. We are waiting for your arrival back to Europe. See you very soon. Lol mams
8th October 2009

Hi Ma n Pa
We're flying to Vietnam on Tuesday morning, just a short hour and a half to Hanoi, the capital in the north of the country. We'll probably stay there for most of the 2 weeks with a few mini trips to Sapa and Ha Long Bay. See you in 3 weeks!
From Blog: Cheerio Possums
7th October 2009

great photos and blog kids. the pop concert looked fantastic, must have been great being vip's for a day. Cant believe you will be home in just over 3 weeks. Really glad you had a nice time at the ski resort. We'll probably be up all night talking about it when you get home. The photo of the view from Pru's house is my fav photo. We were meant to go to a soul concert tonight but its been cancelled because David Guest has flu! but mum thinks its because he's only sold half of the tickets. Let us know when you are going to Vietman and whereyou will be so that I can follow you on the map. I know you mentioned Laos but its a massive country. Is that your last blog (probably). Cant wait to see you. Looking forward to 3 weeks on Friday. Love Dad xx
From Blog: Cheerio Possums
6th October 2009

Hi guys - really enjoyed reading your blog (helped with the boredom of being the only one here at Ski Rider today). Take care on your travels and keep in touch.
5th October 2009

Oh my god, I actually nearly shed a tear at that ending! Maja you'd be a good writer, could you do me a novel please :) Good to hear you had a fab time and made some great friends :) not long till you're back home and we're all beefing our eyes out cause we havent seen you forever and a day (more like devo'd you've come back) only kidding :) lol hope you have a great time on the last leg of your journey, see you in 25 days! Best save some of those fancy dress outfits for my halloween party! x x x
From Blog: Cheerio Possums
5th October 2009

Sounds amazing!
I bet you're not missing Bradford :)
4th October 2009

photos and stories as always. Are you ever coming back? I know I wouldn't. ;) Miss you! x x x
19th September 2009

nice to read your blog its been a long time But we seem to text a lot lately, cant wait to see you both the photos are great fantastic see you soon xxxxx
17th September 2009

Thank you for your letter!
I was so glad to hear from you. I think I know rather much about the world,due to my old job,but now I understand I know very little.I thought Australia was desert and more desert.All the animals you see.The wombats for example.Never heard of those animals. Enar and I are rather well. The operation of the thingEnar had in the corner of the eye went well. This week they have taken all the 17 stiches,so I can hardly see there is a transplantation.It has been a lovely autumn and we pick and give away a lot df mushroms as we cannot eat all of them.Enar is on the golf -course but nowadays they use gof-car.His partner 89 years old! Enar and I wish you both all the best. Grand Ma Karin
8th September 2009

Hej Om ni inte kommer ihåg mig så är jag Eriks kompis. Min dotter Moa är på väg ut i världen på i stort samma resa som ni har varit på. Jag har tipsat henne om er utsökta blogg. Hon kanske kan få några bra tips. Lycka till Leif
27th June 2009

Well, a lot of information about many things on your blog! How is your work? I will be going to Brussels on Sunday afternoon for a three day meeting Mon-Wed. The exiciting thing is that on Wednesday the 1 July Sweden takes over the Presidency of the European Union. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be i Brussels that special day! Summer is here and it is lovely. It is really warm and sunny with some 25 degrees in Stockholm, but I saw that todays national record was Skellefteå with 31!/Birgitta
25th June 2009

Hey you guys. I guess you have heard about Mike´s job offering. We had to go to USA to see were the job were located. We are now back in Sweden from our trip to the states. Chicago was a lovely city, Middelbury though was very small. I hope maby that we can skype this weekend. If you have got internet ofcourse. I hope that your jobs goes well. A lot of hugs from me. Miss you!
22nd June 2009

Summer is here!
At last we have got something like summer.Enar has been on the golf-course today.He came home soaking wet through a hail-shower.But here it was warm and sunny. Everything is green and we have lots of flowers.Birgitta has been here during midsummer.We have met some relatives she never met before and looked at houses where her ancestors lived once upon a time.Best wishes from Grandma
21st June 2009

believe it or not, mum and I are watching karate kid , then one of the photos has shadow karate ! Great photos All the best with jobs xxxxx
15th June 2009

Hello Mum, Dad and Ingrid..
Ingrid is Astrid by the way if your wondering :) Your comments always give us a good chuckle..hoppas du bra och du far en mike bra sommar!..not sure ive spelt that right haha. its defo all about the small things..have fun, we're missing you Iselidh! Mum and Dad, great to hear from you and we're missing you too but we've had a full day back in Christchurch and are both feeling much better for it after our "interesting" Fiji experience, cold and chest infection fully cleared up now and even the stomachs long last! :) It was really nice to speak to you this morning, since then we've booked into the Glebe, Sydney the place where we stayed before, will be nice going back there for a few days before the next big adventure begins...really looking forward to the Ski Season!!!! Just looked back at the last blog for the first time, wow those photo's are amazing! Speak soon, Steve x
12th June 2009

great blog,great photos,breathtaking views thanks kids,really enjoyed it. How are you both ? Holiday time nearly over for you two ,soon it will be time to work for you. I hope you enjoy FIJI ,I really envy you (AGAIN). Everything is good at home, ma is getting into job I am still at bakery and ANNA is going to Mexico in 10 days time .So maybe we will get a bit of peace and quiet for 2 weeks. Any chance of any photos from FIJI Good luck with new jobs I'm sure you'll be okay missing you love dad xxxxxx
9th June 2009

Hi kids, thanks for the update. The photo's are out of this world - such extreme landscapes. Just a shame it's so cold. Steve, you may need an inhaler in the extreme weather or when you are climbing? May be worth asking the doctor. Hope you are feeling a bit better now that you're in the sun again. Enjoy your week before you start work like the rest of us! Lots of love, mum xx
8th June 2009

Have you never played frisbee golf in Uppsala? Chris n his friends are obsessed with it so I bet he'll be jealous once he sees these pics. x x x
8th June 2009

You guys make me sick! But I still love you so you're forgiven... :) Wish I could be there! Don't forget how lucky you are! Most of us will never experience half of everything you've seen on your journey. Enjoy! Luckily the summer is here so at least we have something to be happy about for a couple of months now... It's the little things eh... Miss you! x x x
31st May 2009

Hej på er, hörde av Erik o Kicki att ni har förlovat er. Ett stort grattis till er båda! Vilken härlig, fantastiskt resa ni verkar vara på och vilka fina bilder. Kul att följa er på färden! Kram/Krister
29th May 2009

Hi kids, thanks for another great blog, fabulous photos again! You both look great again! It must be really weird when the weather is cold and you are standing on hot water under the sand, you really seem to be enjoying New Zealand. What is the next blog going to be??? Is it Fiji?! I'm glad you're going to Fiji before you start work, I was going to suggest having a few days in a really posh hotel before the job started but this weeks holiday should be fantastic, good luck! Everything is good at home, the weather is lovely for a change. We missed the Man Utd game because of the quiz. It was nice to see Stephen and Helen again, we havent seen them for over a month and they were asking all sorts of questions about you two. Mum is having her 1st weeks holiday after only working for 2 and a half weeks! In 6 weeks she starts her 6 weeks holiday! Thats all for now, hope your tour of the south island is going well, I wonder which you prefer north or south. Bye for now. Missing you. Love Mum, Dad, Anna and Oscar (Anna is as daft as ever but at least she hasnt mentioned a new car for a while) xxxx
28th May 2009

Hej! Så bra att Maja blivit frisk och att det blir en ny semesterresa i er resa - ni måste ju vila (tina) upp er efter några veckor i kylan. Jag har jobbat väldigt mycket de senaste dagarna men nu ser det ut att lätta. Kan vi Skypa i helgen? Har du tittat på - var det något intressant. Kram till er båda från Kristina
23rd May 2009

wow and wow again
What amazing pictures. It really makes you realise what a great big world it is out there and how little of it we have seen. I am so glad that you took this opportunity to see and experience all the wonderful sights and different cultures so far removed from our own. It makes me wonder if you will ever be able to settle down again. Take good care of yourselves. Love Grandma
18th May 2009

Vi längtar efter er
Hej! Intressant att läsa och titta på bilderna i er blogg. De syns verkligen på era kläder att det går mot vinter där ni är. Åh vad roligt det vara att höra din röst i lördags Maja. Vi saknar er båda. Vi har haft en intensiv arbetshelg. Jag planterade blommor, städade och räfsade bort gamla löv mm. Erik fixade deklarationerna (hade begärt uppskov av skatteverket för de skulle ha varit inne förra veckan) räfsade och tvättade altan och balkong räcket med högtyckstvätt - nu väntar målning. Vi är lediga torsdag och fredag denna vecka. På fredag träffar vi mormor, morfar, Birgitta, Kajsa och Micke i Stockholm. Vi hoppas på vackert väder då. Kram mams

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