Lucy Florence


Lucy Florence

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan April 19th 2022

Well, hello, dear readers, long time no see! I have been busy with my new life in London- work is going well and we are all settled into to our flat. One major thing I have noticed is how cheap flights are from London to the rest of Europe. You can go to, type in your departure city, select "take me anywhere", and up will pop the cheapest flights for the dates you have selected. One night I was exploring the website, dreaming about a weekend trip somewhere, when I saw that in a few weeks from then there were 9 pound flights to Milan, Italy. These flights would get me there on Saturday afternoon and would then leave early Sunday morning, so I changed around some times and managed to find early morning Saturday, ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland January 23rd 2022

Despite ending up having a lovely cosy weekend, our Friday morning was full of stress as I tried to navigate the workforce and we all tried to navigate not being homeless. The working and living process are much more intertwined than I thought, so when there’s an issue with one, there’s an issue with both. Which is SO fun. The stress didn’t cease even after we left the house, as our bus had decided it would like to come early, so after hurtling ourselves out the door with mismatching socks and billowing scarfs we made it on the bus and continued filling out paperwork/signing documents/sending emails and fielding phone calls. But soon enough we did manage to get everything done that we possibly could have, and so sat back and watched the world go by as ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland January 23rd 2022

It’s Glasgow day!! Our first proper travel trip out of the city. We had brekkie at home but stopped on the way to the station for some coffee, and met Uncle Robbie at Waverley at 10am. It took about an hour to get to Glasgow, and once we stepped out into the sunshine (or lack thereof, really), the excitement really started to hit because you could tell we were definitely not in Edinburgh anymore. For one, the air smells like marijuana-…not that I know what marijuana smells like…- and the accent is definitely a lot stronger. Our first step was to get coffee somewhere, and Robbie, our fantastic tour guide, found a nice specialty coffee shop for us. And specialty it was. It was the first cafe we’ve found in Scotland that has Bonsoy (the only ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland January 17th 2022

On day 5 we had absolutely no plans- it was a complete explore and see how we feel type day. We had a slow start, partly because Bec and I were feeling a bit seedy from the night before and partly because I had to have another phone call with work in the morning. Basically, the original location I was supposed to work at has fallen through due to a “miscommunication”, so I had another interview for a different location. Not quite the holiday vibe I was going for, but I’m just grateful I wasn’t dropped completely. Anyway, once we left for the day our original plan was to visit some art galleries, but it was so nice and sunny outside we decided to just keep walking. We found ourselves walking along Circus Lane, which is ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland January 15th 2022

Not terribly much to report for Day 3. We headed out to beautiful Linlithgow to see more family! We had a bit of a sleep in, a quick brekkie, and then hightailed it to Waverley station to catch the train. After about 20 minutes we arrived in Linlithgow and were greeted by Granny and Grumps, and we made our way over to town. Trudi and I walked around the Loch with Grumps and it started to rain- the raindrops were so icy!! Thankfully we were on our way to a warm pub where we had a table by the fire. We had a beautiful lunch full of chatter and laughter, and it was so nice to see all of the family again! We eventually headed back to Edinburgh at about 3pm, and our original plan was ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland January 12th 2022

A big blog for you all today! On day 10 of isolation the rules changed so that fully vaccinated travellers no longer have to isolate until they receive a negative result, so although we didn’t have our test results back yet we were given free reign to leave the house. And it was THRILLING. For our first day out, on Friday, our first task was to head to the post office where I had nominated to pick up my biometric residence permit- which is essentially my visa. I had to pick it up within 10 days of arriving in the UK so thank god we were able to get out on this very day! The post office lady seemed pleased with the fact that it arrived on Christmas Eve, and then I very excitedly skipped out ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland December 30th 2021

HELLO! Long time no see! Welcome back to the blog. I’m not sure if a "travel" blog still stands because now I’ll be living in another country rather than holidaying, but I’m sure we’ll be doing plenty of travelling so, just personally, I think it still counts. I was umming and ahhing about whether I should post daily or weekly, and I have decided to be sporadic about it. Just gonna have to keep your eye out! Gotta keep you on your toes somehow. Now, it's most likely that you'd only be reading this if you know the situation, but for anyone who doesn't- hi! I'm Lucy, and I have just moved to the UK with my two best pals, Trudi and Bec. We're moving to London, but stopping to have a little holiday in Scotland ... read more

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles » Studio City February 12th 2020

Universal Studios is hands down the best theme park I have ever been to. Not only are the rides actually fun, but it’s in HOLLYWOOD so we got to see sound stages and sets!! The absolute first thing we did was head to Hogsmeade, the Harry Potter section of the park. I think it’s an exact replica of the village they used in the movie (or is it actually where it was filmed? Can’t seem to find that information anywhere) and it’s so cool!! We saw people lining up for something that didn’t have an obvious purpose, so of course we joined the line. It ended up being for Ollivander’s, the wand shop, where you go in small groups at a time and an actor (ahem, witch) will pick two little kids and get them to ... read more

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles » Downtown February 12th 2020

Unfortunately our activities for today were a bit limited because it was bucketing. It’s the only rainy day forecasted though so fingers crossed it doesn’t happen again! Started off with breakfast tacos at an organic place called Cow Cafe (LA is doing so much better with the healthy options than anywhere else) which were filled with scrambled eggs and whipped avocado which was lovely. We then headed to the Staples Centre, which is the place where the LA Lakers and the Clippers play their NBA games. Adam took pictures with all of the statues outside of famous NBA players- he was in heaven. It was at this point that it started to bucket down, and we thought our best bet was a cinema or mall so we walked until we found one. The first place we ... read more

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles » Hollywood February 12th 2020

We went to Denny’s for breakfast this morning, as apparently it’s a classic American diner that everyone has to have breakfast at, at least once. I’m sure everyone is aware of this, but far out the portion sizes are huge here! Definitely couldn’t finish everything. We got metro cards at the subway station and loaded them with juuust enough for the time we’re in LA (each time you tap it takes $1.75, no matter how far you’re travelling, so as long as we don’t take more trips than expected we’ll be fine), and hopped on the subway to Hollywood! It was so surreal. We walked the walk of fame and got probably as close as we could to the Hollywood sign (so, miles away) and decided to go check out the Dolby theatre and see if ... read more

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