Karen Meets Korea Europe's Guestbook

17th March 2011

Checking In With You
Hi Dustin, Thank you for taking the time to review my blog. We are doing fantastic. It took some time to adjust, however we are now feeling so much more comfortable with the transit systems, food, etc. I continue to learn each and everyday. Glad to hear you are adjusting to your new place as well. Do you miss Seoul? How is your job going? I will be so glad when Spring has arrived it is still very cold. I am happy that you are enjoying my blog. Best wishes and hugs, Karen
14th March 2011

this was the best!
Loved your summary of the trip! WOW!!! We did so much and could have kept going right?! :) Hannah was sad on plane...already missing you! Luckily Hannah and Jada slept most of the first flight....of course Madi was trying to be an adult so she stayed awake as long as she could! :) Poor Jada got sick when we were landing. I think the yogurt they gave us with our last meal upset her tummy but it was a rocky landing too. Good thing we had to recheck in our luggage so we could both get clean clothes! Can't wait to see you this July! Love and miss you tons!!!
10th March 2011

Spring is coming
Dear Karen, How are you doing? and Matt is also doing well? Everything is good? I am doing good and recently move to Gyounggi province. since it is close to Asian Tigers' office and other company where I work 3days a week. I was a stranger there at first but became used to the surroundings like you. Have a nice day. Best regards,
2nd March 2011

Wonderful trip!
Karen, looks like a wonderful trip! Brought back lots of memories for me and I'm sure Chandler will say the same when he reads it. Loving the elephants! So sorry to hear you weren't feeling well: hopefully that passed quickly and you are back to normal now that you're home. Thanks for posting all your adventures: so much fun to enjoy them vicariously!
21st February 2011

Banana Bread
I sure miss my Banana bread in the morning :) Awesome paintings, maybe you can do street murals when you return to the US :) As for your new roomate any chance she could come and live with me? Miss you and have a safe trip!
13th February 2011

Oh Karen, I'm so enjoying yr adventures. Highs or low it's still a learning experience and an adventure. Had fun and stay prayerful. You're powerful and awesome!
6th February 2011

I am so glad your feelin better!!! I have been praying for you. This week's journal was very humorous! Bill and I got a kick out of your armiore experiance! Could you image the shock when you got your statement! Thanks for you journaling. I hope your classes go good. Have a great week! Phyllis
26th January 2011

Karen, I found your blog when searching for pictures of SAMM on the internet. I am glad you are doing well and you are enjoying Korea. We sure miss you here. Take care!
23rd January 2011

Love and Miss You
Hi Karen and Matt, Dale is at work and I decided to catch up with your blog and videos. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your adventures and keep us up-to-date. We keep you in our prayers and are looking forward to seeing you soon.
23rd January 2011

Looks like fun!
Karen-So glad you are meeting people and having fun! I'm so glad you found a hair salon- I will definitely remember that one! Glad to hear that you got the City Park apartment. Looking forward to seeing photos!
17th January 2011

Busy week!
Karen, I left a comment about this entry on FaceBook, and also responded to the message you sent me, but don't know if you saw them. Hope that your apartment situation will be resolved very soon. Love all your videos and photos, and appreciate all the info you're putting out here. So glad you're meeting some nice friends and finding some fun places to go. I know you must be missing your dogs (Shiner will be staying here, too) so I'm glad you got to cuddle someone else's dog. Don't know if Matt was off for MLK or not, but hope that, if he did, you had a nice long weekend together.
16th January 2011

So Glad
Karen, I'm so glad to hear you had a great week. Praise the Lord you found a new apartment! I will be prayin that this is the one! Keep an eye out for us if we come over. Look forward to hear about next week. Phyllis
8th January 2011

I was so hoping that you would do something like this. To experience a foreign country for more than just a week or two is such a wonderful opportunity. You are a perfect person to experience this from vicariously. Take care. Love you both. Susan
From Blog: Jan 2011 Week 1
5th January 2011

Thanks for sharing
Karen, Thanks for sharing your adventure with your friends and colleagues. I've never been to Korea and am eager to learn about your experiences in living in the country. I'll be paying attention to the things thats you do, places you visit, culture, food, transportation, historic and scenic places you visit, and how you are received by the native Koreans. Good luck and thanks for taking us along.
31st December 2010

Is there a way to not have music in the background. Very distracting. I would like to hear about the cultural similarities and differences. Good job. Amazing experience.

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