John and Gloria Travels' Guestbook

30th August 2013

World Trip
Thanks for the updates, did not realise that you would be home so soon, boy time flies when you are having fun, hope you have had a great time. Look forward to catching up with you guys.
28th August 2013

Close to the end
Hi John and Gloria We have been reading Your blogs and We have just returned from Europe.Renate was ready to come home but I wasn't .Your holidays must be coming close to the end and are You ready to come home? Regards Ivan and Renate xxx
From Blog: SUVA
25th August 2013

wow nearly home
not long to go - are u 2 feeling sad having to come back to the cold weather for a WHOLE 2 weeks then off again to warmer Bali - luv to u both anne xxxx
From Blog: PAGO PAGO
24th August 2013

Pago Pago
Hi Westbury's, good to hear you enjoyed American Samoa. We also found it a lovely place to visit. Bought some shoes there in 2006. In 2009 just before our last visit a tsunami came through from the other side of the island and destroyed the far end of the shopping area as well as the marina. The shops were running on huge generators the size of shipping containers. By the sound of it from your descriptions things have improved markedly. Loved the markets by the dock and also the very American black and white police cars there. Enjoy the rest of your voyage. Cheers Lorri H.
From Blog: PAGO PAGO
24th August 2013

hi guys pago pago looked beatiful so we now on down hill of your lovely holiday we going to the new pub for lunch today its a lovely 22 very sunny weather coming i went for a intense massage yesterday christ i feel like iv been punched all over have heard from lesley they seem to be enjoying their trip see yous soon xxx
From Blog: PAGO PAGO
24th August 2013

Good morning, it is only 0730, and just received your pago pago blog..sounds gorgeous...those Macdonalds should put you off for life !!!! aint civilisation great??!!! Today (1100 to 1630) my last shift at work, simon finished up yesterday and we are off to Hawaii (with the stress of staff travel, looks ok...) on Tuesday with jetstar. We are due to come home 03 september, arrive 0700ish on 4 september. plans are to stay home a day or 2 then off to singapore via brisbane...have promised simon some chilli mudcrab. We thought we may as well make the most of the house sitters, my sister Kim and her husband arrive today, and the neice and friend are still in beds left for us, we may have to come stay with you in the granny flat !!! CANT WAIT TO CATCH UP.... We are all off to golden harvest tonight, will miss you even more xxxx talk soon big kisses xxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: PAGO PAGO
22nd August 2013

Memories For Us .
Breath to get your " blogs" , been to some places , what a trip you have had! Got home 20th, long flight , very tired, was full on tour , but enjoyed all we saw. Flu went through most of us ,one man responsible........ High altitude wasn't good for me , in Puna, glad to move on. Thank you for keeping in touch, Norma & Jeff...
From Blog: KAUAI
20th August 2013

Been to Hawaii but not Kauai. Thx for the wonderful update xoxo Debbie
From Blog: KAUAI
14th August 2013

Up early (ish) and thinking of you....not sure why, but did a risotto in the thermomix last night, maybe thats it ?? All good in Melbourne, couple of crap days, but blue sky and a high of 17 forecast today, of course, am off to work ! Had a couple of fierce storms, short but packed a wallop, few trees down , power out etc. Missed my back yard, so dont really notice. We have my neice (aimee) and her friend (monique) in residence. They did the big move from NZ and are busily applying for jobs, looking for places to live (jobs first ) so that is keeping Simon and I distracted. Good girls and no bother at all. Wasnt really expecting to get two of them, just aimee really, but I think two is easier than one, they keep each other entertained, and we dont worry about them training, tramming, bussing... we go to Hawaii, hopefully on the 27th for 7 nights, then home and maybe to singapore for a couple of days...himself would like some chilli crab ? WHATEVER...not back to work till about september 17.. Missing you ...cant wait to catch up. PS. Aimee has graduated with honours in Industrial Design, monique has a degree in marketing/tourism....just in case..... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
13th August 2013

Los Angeles
John & Gloria Love your quips about driving in LA. You certainly make sure you enjoy each port. Have a good Pacific crossing. Beautiful autumn weather here in Qld although south Sydney had some dreadful windy weather yesterday.
13th August 2013

well well not long to go now im still laughing at john with servettes in his ears !!! reg i often laugh in bali we went out for tea and mosqitos dived only on john he was slapping himself all night was so funny (sorry big john ) xxx
8th August 2013

A small house?
Yep, just a shack
From Blog: DOVER
5th August 2013

Greetings World Travelers!
So happy to get your blog info as I wrote to the email you gave me last year & never got a reply. It appears you are having quite the adventure!!! Wish you could stop in Michigan. xoxo
From Blog: NEW YORK
3rd August 2013

Thanks for that one.....thats the bit I would love the most...... looks fabulous.... Cold and wet' ish in melbourne. Golden Harvest last night...missed you xxxxx
3rd August 2013

morning john and glor wow you have seen so much love the blog weather starting to warm up im off to buy vicki birthday preasant we will go to qbn next sat have birth drink any excuse !keep enjoying i text lara last week not heard from her must be busy or has she changed her no not to worry carnt wait to see yous xxxx
1st August 2013

ha ha ha
love the shirt big john !!!!
From Blog: CURACAO
29th July 2013

just me
just out of bed and it is grey and dull !! (no not simon, the day !) Was thinking of you in the night, and thought there may be a blog from somewhere exotic this morning, but ...sad face. I am guessing you cant be too far from the panama canal, hope it is wonderful...missing you both xxxxxxxxxxxxx
From Blog: NEW YORK
27th July 2013

New York
Hi Westburys we agree that New York is a amazing city and yes one has to be very fit to walk 16 km so congratulations.We would need an ambulance. Renate is finished with the dentist and we are going to my place of birth after 44 years its not New York but its next best thing ( I am surprised that place wasn't included on your cruse.....maybe cos there is no any water ) and than we are off to Adriatic island Hvar . Keep having a good time and slow down with shopping it's hurting your knees not to mention your pocket :-)) Regards Ivan and Renate
From Blog: NEW YORK
27th July 2013

Lady Liberty
Always great to see a photo of this lovely location.
From Blog: NEW YORK
27th July 2013

hi guys gee new york looks great we have had lots of wind here after2 weeks finally seen some sun 20 degrees all weekend going to indian tonight with 8 of us love to you both xxx
From Blog: NEW YORK
19th July 2013

hey guys are you getting my messages xx
From Blog: OSLO
19th July 2013

gee guys lucky thats not me on the ship remember what happen to my bowels in birdsville !!!!!!
19th July 2013

missing you
sorry been a while with no word from me...just slack, no excuse Been 23 degrees in melbourne yesterday, had a good storm later in the evening tho, and it is expected to be 11 degrees tomorrow....guess you are missing that !! your photos are gorgeous !!! I bet you are exhausted, i think the 7 days at sea may be a good opportunity to rest. You're not young anymore you know. !!! My sister is in Canada, so I am getting e-mails from her as well, I am MISERABLE not being anywhere.....sad face.....not long now till we are on leave (end of august) no plans yet. roast Lamb for dinner....wish you were here !!! XXXXXXXXXXXX
18th July 2013

what no food and drink in oslo- whats happening!!!!! love to read and see photos of the trip, went to poons tonight with Lee-anne, Jack & Rod - yum yum - all good news with the last cut of Doug's back.
From Blog: OSLO
18th July 2013

what no food and drink in oslo- whats happening!!!!! love to read and see photos of the trip, went to poons tonight with Lee-anne, Jack & Rod - yum yum - all good news with the last cut of Doug's back.
From Blog: OSLO

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