JaneSmith's Guestbook

8th January 2017

Wow.... brave Sue, is there nothing you wont do??? Girls look happy in the selfie.. Amazing scenery...
8th January 2017

There you are girls I been missing you , I think there's been lots of shopping Going on .
8th January 2017

That look like my cookies and cream ice cream in my plate yum
8th January 2017

What is that australua post doing deliveries lol
8th January 2017

Wow look at the horse and carriage love to have my delivery in that how Beautiful to see that in the streets .
7th January 2017

Hi guys Clint you all ways look relax , I'm sitting here have n a cuppa reading your Blog and the photos are beautiful , I so appreciate all the effort your putting For us to enjoy through this sweltering heat xxx
7th January 2017

The frozen Pond in Interlaken is one of those pictures that capture the mind and just keeps you spellbound . Really looks like a wonderfull country with spectacular scenery in all direction, not sure if Liz and i would go the cold or not,
then again viewing the photos at a warm 35 degrees is no fun. love to you all xxx
7th January 2017

I think you need to come home for rest , you all burnt your selves out I think It's so lovely how you show us the place you travelled the pictures look like Miniature toy s I can't believe how beautiful these places are what a education Tha
nks guys for the live tour it's appreciated
7th January 2017

Girls what a experience for you both , what great parents , you have To share this together as a family I wish I was there , your all have soooo much fun and excersise , sue be careful you don't get unwell xxx
7th January 2017

Fabulous photos Sue . We almost feel like we are there with you all . Hope you are feeling better now . It is very hot here in Adelaide xx
7th January 2017

Lovely pictures, the sunny photos make it look like it's not cold, great to see the pictures of the Matterhorn. xxx
5th January 2017

The church tower is amazing. Looks like the space shuttle standing on the launch pad.
4th January 2017

Jane, For watercolors you should make your hint at Janet. Wink, wink.
4th January 2017

Interesting scenery - especially the mini-Stonehenge and the tall waterfall. You wrote: "There is no other land mass between this beach and the Antarctic." Any chance you meant "Arctic"? :)
12th December 2016

I'm still stumped on the Elnar question!
12th December 2016

Thanks for doing such a great job writing this up (and thanks to Jeff for not breaking his wrist! I could see him falling, but I knew if I tried to "help we'd both wind up sliding down the hill! Also, I forgot to remind you that parts of "G
ame of Thrones" was filmed at Thingvellir (we're looking at you, Mr Richins :) ). Can't wait for the next installment - I'd forgotten how good the lamb stew was - great traditional dish.
From Blog: Around we go!
7th December 2016

Jane your adventures are just as amazing as your writing. Really enjoy both.
From Blog: Around we go!
6th December 2016

There were actually 2 sheep or goats (?). I have a pretty good photo of the two of them as well. :-)
From Blog: Around we go!
6th December 2016

Jane, your email notification apologized for the delay in getting this posted. Not to worry, reading it is every bit worth the wait. Keep 'em coming! --John
From Blog: Around we go!
6th December 2016

You can almost tell that it's me!
From Blog: Around we go!
6th December 2016

John, thank you so much! That was a really nice thing to hear. :-)
From Blog: Around we go!
5th December 2016

From Blog: Around we go!
5th December 2016

From Blog: Around we go!
28th November 2016

Okay, none of us know the answer! What is the movie?
27th November 2016

The hot pool, dinner, and lights watching sound just wonderful!

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