James and Nicole's Guestbook

16th July 2007

Ofsted and beyond!
Hi you 2. It's brilliant reading about your adventures - you could be in Great Yarmouth! James you need to change your T shirt more, at least for the photos! Got back from the trip to Le Touquet to discover that Ofsted were coming the following week. Good result but what stress! We are off to France on Sat for 3 weeks, so might be incommunicado - will try out the owners' WIFI. Mike and Steph send their love. Take care, love mum and dad Doe.
16th July 2007

Christine Bill and Max
Hello! Lovely to hear from you, we're surprised how many people have been reading this! Hope you're well and not too upset by the rain :) xxx
13th July 2007

Hey, thanks for everyone for leaving comments, sorry we haven´t got round to answering many! Good to hear everything is going well back home, congrats to Simon and Fran too! Hope you girls are ok too (Char, Amy, Laura etc) thanks for leaving messages, make sure you keep me updated on the goss back in Royston (whats going down at "The ´Cuda" etc haha) Anyway lovely to hear from everyone and we´ll try and get some more entries and pics up soon. Love Nic xxx
12th July 2007

Hello Nic (and James) It was lovely to hear from you yesterday. Sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather Nic - hope you are feeling better today. Get James to do all the running around for you and carry your backpack!! Hope the weather is improving for you - it's been quite sunny here today for a change (no rain) - that was probably our summer. Nothing exciting happening at the moment here - ring us again as soon as you can. Lots of love Mumxx
10th July 2007

Graet to see you're having fun
Hi Nic and James, really looks like you are having fun and the pictures are fantastic. Some good news for you Nicole, you're going to be a great Auntie again, Fran and Simon are expecting another addition to the family. Glad to see you both look relaxed. look forward to the next installment. lots of love, Mum, Dad and Matt.
9th July 2007

It's good to talk!!
James,Thanks for the phone call on Sat. Good to talk to you. Needed you here to organise the music at our party....everyone was interested to hear how you were getting on.Glad to hear everything is ok.We're enjoying the pics.....Mum looks every night !!Speak to you soon. Dad (Mum sends her lovexx)
8th July 2007

the internet wasnt working on dads comp, so i have to write it out. congratulations to nicole on her results, really nice pictures keep them comming! uncle mike and auntie linda have been down for the weekend they say hello! and are going to log onto your travelblog thing! hope your having a great time xxx
7th July 2007

Hey u 2 sounds like ur havin an amazin time jus got back from florida weather was hot but rained a lot there 2 lol! Jus looked atur leavin do photos looked like u had fun am gutted i couldnt be there 2 say goodbye! Anyways nothin 2 report here except got 2:1 in my results wahoo! hav missed most of wimbledon sorry Nic but am sure ur mum can keep u updated! Keep havin fun n stay safe loads of love Amy xxx
7th July 2007

Sounds like your having an amazing time and im so jealous! Also thinking that it wont take either of you long to get into a laid back mood, especially you james as most of the time your so laid back your practically in a coma! Love you and miss you lots xxxx
6th July 2007

Sounds brill!!
Well done Nicole...excellent results.Your trip is sounding fantastic...looking forward to the photos.Would have liked to see you both on the high wire....Dad says he would have had a go!!(I wouldn't!!)Hope the sun shines for you on the beach.Keep safe and enjoy.Love Mum and Dad xxx
6th July 2007

hi you two, sounds like your having a brilliant time, your making me get itchy feet again...wonder if i can fit south america into my next travel plans...hmm.lol :). keep having fun..lots of love Amy x x x
6th July 2007

Volcanoes Zip Wires and the Caribbean
Sounds as if you are having a marvellous time keep having fun hope weather improves sounds just like home well done Nicole on exam results take care xxx
6th July 2007

hey guys ound slike your having fun! you hear what happened here you must be gutted you missed it was amazing! keep reporting back! love lukexxx
4th July 2007

Ok those results are good, 0.5% off a 1st overall, slightly annoying! Hope things are good at home, everythings going great here, will post on blog again soon xxx
From Blog: We Have Arrived!
4th July 2007

Good news - results for Nicole
Sorry James but this one is mainly for Nicole, but I am sure you will both celebrate together. Uni results arrived today for Stage 1 of your degree programme. The letter was signed by Dr Ann Davies Degree Prog Director and it states the following: I would like to congratulate and commend you on behalf of the School for your outstanding results. It has been a pleasure to see you performing so well. The Board of Examiners suggested that I congratulate you specifically. These are the marks for S1 - Fre1006 = 67, FRE1071 = 64, Por1065 = 78, SML1018 = 67, Spa1071 = 73, FRE1071 = 64, Por1066 = 68, SML 1018 = 67, SPA1071 = 73. And the paper shows an overall of 69.5 I think. Well done from us all, hoep the trip is going well fro you both. Have a celebratory drink for us.
From Blog: We Have Arrived!
30th June 2007

Glad you've arrived!
Hi you two,great to hear from you.Have you had a MacDonalds yet?The planned trip sounds great.....I'd like to do that one!It's raining here too!Keep safe...looking forward to your next blog.Lots of love Mum and Dad xx
From Blog: We Have Arrived!
30th June 2007

Henman's horrors
Oh well its no surprise to say that Tim managed to fight back from 2 sets down to take the match against Lopez to five sets and then throw it away as usual. Anyway enjoy Costa Rica. Love Mum, Dad and Matt
From Blog: We Have Arrived!
29th June 2007

awww, your so lucky you two!! i wish i was there * pulls jeulos face * i can just tell nicole wrote this ... on the pure fact that james cant spell hehe. mum n dad told me to log onto this ... though as soon as i did they where asleep ... so i shall have to show them tommorow! anyways im off to sleep, have a gooden xxx =]
From Blog: We Have Arrived!
29th June 2007

Henman's horrors
Tim managed to lose the first 2 sets and then drew back the next 2 to hang on to the fifth set against Feliciano Lopez and then lose miserably. 7-6, 7-6, 3-6, 2-6, 6-1. Federer beat Safin 3 straight sets today...what a surprise. More to follow. Enjoy Costa Rica.
From Blog: We Have Arrived!

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