J M's Guestbook

2nd January 2007

Very cool, happy new year.
(took me a while to work out what was going on)
2nd January 2007

Happy New Year! xxxx
23rd December 2006

Happy Christmas!
Hey James, What´s happened to your hair?! Looks like you´re having lots of fun. Have a good Christmas.
22nd December 2006

hooray for African tummy!
At last, some good news! Love the hippo pics though. I arrived back in the UK today and it's all good, if a little cold!
20th December 2006

What a way to spend a year!
James and Marissa, What a lovely time you are having..we will continue to read and enjoy your journal. It's the next best thing to being there! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2007. love from Mahes and Gerry
19th December 2006

Crazy Ones
Ellis, what's with the ex-con look?! Looking to scare the wildlife...? ;-) M, I can see you are loving the SLR! And I can see why! Good Shots.
19th December 2006

Nice Costume
Jimbo, I love that picture of you in Swazi costume. Knowing how much you like dressing up I'm quite suprised at how unhappy you look about it! Nice Haircut though it suits you, it's a far cry from your days as a Kerrang-reading, rocker. Listen you need to take some more pics of Marissa though, for all we know she's dyed her hair pink or shaved her head. Marissa are you actually travelling or holed up somewhere in London?
18th December 2006

Where's ya hair gone?!
James no way, you've finally got yourself a decent haircut!? However you do look fairly Romper Stomper!!! I love reading these blogs it makes me so happy being stuck in office. Actually I really do enjoy them. I hope your shoulder gets better soon Ris? Much love, Charlie x
13th December 2006

Philosophical Investigations
If anybody has any philosophical investigations with which they require assistance please contact Frank Stirling PI at ferther2004@yahoo.co.uk. Fully qualified and uniquely experienced. Regarding the iPod premonition theory... Many people have made similar observations about this ubiquitous piece of technology and, despite numerous investigations, nobody has been able to find any proof that these observations are anything more than the creations of desperate minds clawing after the hope that there is some grand plan, some universal design guiding us all. In fact, we are all at sea in a world of complete chance. There is nothing more than randomness behind such seemingly spooky coincidences as the above-mentioned playing of Radiohead's The Bends. As an eminent thinker once said, 'Any one incidence of chance is much more likely than that no incidences of chance will ever be experienced.'
11th December 2006

That really was a big fish...
Hello you two. I have always wanted to swim with a whale shark... I can't believe you have actually done it. Tofo looks amazing... just the kind of place I could stay for a long time. James, good press-up action dude! You guys will be missed this Christmas but I am sure you will have a wicked time. We are really loving this blog... makes me and Helly think that maybe we coudl do the same thing one day! Take care and remember, not all sharks are veggie!!!!!
9th December 2006

Good to see you're all well on your travels
hey, nice blog and really nice photos. I'm jealous, looks pretty relaxing. However, I'm not sure about those early morning starts that you talk about, not sure what's up with that. Anyhow, enjoy yourselves, keep blogging and be safe.
7th December 2006

Ah you people make me sick. Good work - keep it up! See you in Melbourne soon T
7th December 2006

Don't blame the heat, you were always a lazy ****** when you played footie back here as well...
5th December 2006

I'm Jealous
Sounds like you guys are having a good time, I was working til 11pm last night and strolling round fish markets sounds so much more appealing....mind you James you missed Pan's Labyrinth at movie club and it was pretty good. If i get some more time I'll update the London Blog!
5th December 2006

Boa tarde
hey - sounds amazing - keep it coming sad to hear about the illegal ivory trade - don't buy any! and watch out for endangered bushmeat... get some photos of either and we can try and get you on arkive.org see you in a few weeks :)
5th December 2006

Techno travelling is illegal!
I was saddened to see that you are traveling with more gizmos than the infamous Inspector Gadget used to stash inside his long sweaty overcoat! Seeing the world is about delighting in the visual treats around you and broadening the horizons not fiddling with buttons on mobile phones or ipods! However, respect, and I just hope you don't get them all stolen! I am a little tired today so sorry to come across like a total grumpy behatch. Just good to know you are alive and well you great people and bring on March 07 - Sydney is rocking in anticipation!!! xx
5th December 2006

"maputo" sounds suspiciously similar to the high road, I hope you really have left the flat for that fish. great to hear all is going "muito bom" with you
4th December 2006

Not one mishap!
Just one! That's all I want? A splinter? A dicky tummy? Anything other than "look at us we're so smug having an awesome time!" Jx
1st December 2006

Yeah, well, I saw a dead badger this morning...
Guys... it sounds amazing! So glad to hear you are already having such a wicked time. Cracking photos by the way... Keep on trekking dudes...
27th November 2006

No shortage of early mornings
I can confirm that there are no shortage of early mornings over here. We were up at 4 this morning to catch our bus! Somehow, and this is coming from me, it all seems worth it!
21st November 2006

Hmmmm ...
I'm seriously considering unsubscribing from this pain - it's already too much! But anyway, I'll give you guys a couple more chances. I want more "cloudy mountain views" and early starts that turn out to be a waste of time - please! Love the warthog shot! Jxxx
16th November 2006

You guys are going to have the best time. I'm extremely jealous! But also excited that you are coming to Australia. Make sure you email me and let me know when you're going to be in Sydney and Melbourne. I'd love to catch up (I'm always up for an excuse to get down to the great southern states)!! katherine@inthemix.com.au Make sure you go to Etosha N.P in Namibia. Stay in contact and have a wicked time. xxkat
14th November 2006

I'm soooooo jealous - I just ask you to make sure the photos are a good mixture of: "Look at us having a great time swanning around on the beach with dolphins frolicking in the waves " ... and ... "Look at James at the embassy having lost his passport and at the same time having diarrhoea" ... otherwise I might have to kill myself!
14th November 2006

Happy Travels!!!
Have a wicked time guys!

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