Gemma and Stephen's

Gemma and Stephen

Gemma and Stephen's

Asia » Thailand December 17th 2010

We arrived from Nepal at 7am after a very long and tiring flight. By 10am though we were in Shanti Lodge and it was great to be somewhere so familiar. Once in our room we collapsed for a few hours catching up on some much needed sleep before grabbing some awesome food at Shanti, where else would we eat? Shanti Delight? yes please! We spent the rest of the day relaxing, catching up on a few emails and what not. We decided quite happily that the rest of Bangkok could wait until tomorrow. We spent a couple of days taking care of a few essential bits and pieces, which included buying a massive box from the post office and trying to get rid of as much as possible (which was a lot), the weight of our ... read more
Evenings enterainment
Gemma with a cocktail before dinner
Ste enjoying his dinner

Asia » Nepal November 29th 2010

We arrived back into Kathmandu exhausted, our bus journey from Ramachapp felt neverending. The roads either had no tarmac or tarmac that was barely there. Those that did were in such a bad state of repair that we jumped two feet in the air every time we hit a pothole. I was travel sick, which was a combination of the bumpy roads, and lack of food and water for about 7 hours. Needless to say all we wanted to do when we finally arrived in Kathmandu was go to sleep. Our hotel, Ganesh Himah didn't have any room for us so we were put up in a 'sister' hotel. But just when we thought that things couldn't get any worse we found to our dismay that the matresses on the beds were an inch thick, it ... read more
Chitwan National Park
Elephants just outside the national park
Elephants just outside the national park

Asia » Nepal » Himalayas November 22nd 2010

After a short weekend break in Sydney we left Australia and started our long journey home. We arrived in Kathmandu on the 2nd November after a nights stop over in Singapore. Once off the plane, we had to get our Visas which took about about an hour. After waiting in the longest queue and trying to make sense of the organised chaos that was going on around us we finally had our visas and we made it out of the airport and into Kathmandu. There were people everywhere, most offering to carry our bags and asking us if we needed a taxi or a hotel. Luckily we had organised somewhere to stay in advance, and had a airport pick-up organised. Thanks to a very good recommendation by American friends of ours (Thanks Toni and Breezy!) we ... read more
Ste on the descent from Gorak Shep
Sunset from Gorak Shep
And our journey begins

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Christchurch October 24th 2010

Well, our last few days in New Zealand involved a lot of realaxing which was great as we have had a pretty jammed packed time since arriving six weeks ago. We spent three nights in Kaikoura doing some last minute shopping, treating ourselves to a feast at the fish'n'chip shop, catching up on some time in front of the TV as well as wandering along the coast & looking at the many fur seals catching some Z's. A quick drive south landed us in Christchurch and it was within the hour that we felt our first aftershock from the recent earthquake. A 5.1 on the ricter scale had our campervan shaking and moving..... (Needless to say, Ste grabbed the wine and jumped out the door - leaving Gemma to fend for herslelf. Priorities!!!) We spent our ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Dunedin October 18th 2010

Arriving in Dunedin after a long 5 hour drive, we were both shattered tired so there was only one thing we could possible do - a brewery tour. After a quick shower and we made our way into The Speights Brewery. (Being very eager though, we were over an hour early so had a few warm up drinks before hand). As we made our way through the tour for an hour or so (With some interesting facts and anicdotes) we finished with our tasting session. This was a free bar to drink as much as you can in 25 minutes. GAME FACE! Leaving here (Alot happier and much less co-ordinated than when we arrived), we returned to the bar next door to round off the evening with a nightcap. A very good start to our time ... read more
Moreaki Boulders
Lake Tekapo
Lake Tekapo

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Milford Sound October 18th 2010

Having cut Queenstown short by a day or two due to the race against the changing weather we made the drive to Te Anau where we stayed the night at a beautiful lakeside campsite. The next day our Milford adventure started. We had booked ourselves on an overnight cruise on the sound, being early on in the summer season we got a discount, so our cruise only cost us $133 each. Not bad for a nights accomodation, a slap up evening meal, a full cooked breakfast and kayaking to boot. Anyway, first was the drive to Milford itself which is stunning, 120km's through the Fiordland National Park. On the road we stopped at the mirror lakes which gave us some great reflections of the mountains, although our mirror image was slightly distorted by a few cheeky ... read more
Milford Sound
Milford Sound
Milford Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Wanaka October 18th 2010

It took us six hours to drive from Franz Josef to Wanaka, our final destination for the day.We had planned a few stops along the way but the weather was awful so we plouged on through over the Haast Pass and on to the Southern Lakes Region of the South Island. Not only did the weather get better the further on we travelled, the scenery did too until we hit the jackpot - we arrived in Wanaka. Situated on Lake Wanaka the views were just stunning - a tree lined lake with snow capped mountains all around us, it was just beautiful. We would never tire of looking out at this. We had found our paradise, in fact it's one of only a very few places so far that's made us go 'Wow! I could live ... read more
Lake Wanaka
Lake Wanaka

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » West Coast October 7th 2010

Leaving Nelson early the following day and making our way south along the west coast, it became clear that the weather was turning for the worse. Not surprising really as the west coast of the south island is notoriously unpreditacble. Greymouth would be as far as we would drive today with a few quick stop offs at Buller Gorge (The longest swinbridge in New Zealand at 100m's long), Cape Foulwind (the location of a large fur seal colony) and Punakaiki (The very unique 'Pancake Rocks' - aptly named as they look like stacks of pancakes). After a night in Greymouth we travelled further south again to The Franz Josef and Fox Glaciers where we would be doing our glacier hike. Our first two nights were spent in the very quaint and peaceful Fox Glacier village, but, ... read more
Franz Joesf Glacier
Franz Joesf Glacier

The weather improved as we left the North Island and our ferry journey was very scenic. We had decided to spend more time in the South Island where we knew there would be more to see and do and seeing as we hadn’t great weather in the North Island we were hopeful for some better weather the further south we travelled. We cruised from Wellington through the Cook Strait and into the Marlborough Sounds where we spent a total of three nights taking in the views and doing a spot of tramping (New Zealand lingo for Hiking). We stayed in a DOC campsite the first night in a beautiful location in a sheltered little inlet of the Marlborough sound and with the sun shining it was just gorgeous. DOC campsites are mostly free and are run ... read more
Queen Charlotte Track
Abel Tasman National Park
Queen Charlotte drive

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Tongariro National Park September 30th 2010

It was an absolutely exhilarating day of hiking with pristine scenery, dizzying heights and fresh white snow that squeaked beneath our feet as we made our way across one of the world’s most renowned day hikes. We had an early start of 5am and after being kitted out in all our required hiking gear, we began what was to become a highlight of our New Zealand trip so far. With it still being the winter season this trek could only be done as part of an organised group and having previously being cancelled for three straight weeks as a result of awful weather conditions; we were blessed with the spectacular day we had. Incredibly the days following were cancelled too, so we had this one day window which we took with open arms. At 8am we ... read more
The Tongariro Crossing
The Tongariro Crossing
The Tongariro Crossing

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