Page 12 of BernieW Travel Blog Posts

Europe » France September 17th 2019

Monday 16th September 48 miles We had an early breakfast to be off to a good start has decent miles to do and likely to be very hot . We went slightly off route first to buy provisions at Aldi and the cycle travel tried to take us a cross some private property that had locked gates so we ended up going back through Brantome so not such an early start. There was definitely more uphill today, mainly through farmland and forests. This part of France is one of the most scarcely populated areas of France. We were travelling through the truffle capital of France and along the Route de Foir Gras. Mid morning we stopped for yoghurt and Mars bars! When I bought some the other day I had to buy a pack of five ... read more

Europe » France September 15th 2019

Breakfast was better than expected and very leisurely as we had the time. The hotel is ok but quite basic. We could see that the bikes were in the way of staff getting in and out of the kitchen so we asked about moving them and were told to put them in the garage. We were pleased with this as it felt safer than just leaving them in the corridor with people in and out all the time. After breakfast we decided to have a walk round the town before the sun got too hot. We walked towards the Abbey and past houses and shops built into caves in the side of the cliff face. The Abbey itself was very impressive. Then we walked around the centre of the town which is very touristy with cafes ... read more

Europe » France September 15th 2019

Saturday 14th September 34 miles Breakfast was on the terrace with Sue and Phil and there was a great choice of food, including superb home grown melon. Very impressive. Phil had been to the Boulangerie for bread and croissants and seen five deer and a fox on his way and it was only a short distance. Then we were off again. Sue and Phil had jobs to do and were expecting Sue's daughter later in the day. As we were now off the official route we didn't have the guide book's description of the route so didn't really know what to expect. There was quite a lot of climbing today particularly earlier in the journey. Much of it was through forests so that helped to keep us in the shade. We needed to buy provisions for ... read more

Europe » France September 14th 2019

51 miles Friday 13th September Breakfast was good and in a lovely large conservatory and we talked to the three other cyclists about their route and touring in general. We agreed it was by far the nicest house we had ever stayed in. The owners said that it was too big for them and they wanted to share it with others. The hostess asked which way we were going and told us that rather than going down the hill to the bridge and back up the other side to get on the route we could get on a path straight across from the house and cycle over the disused viaduct, which used to carry the train line. It was a day of two halves. Paul and I cycled the twenty five miles to Manot along lovely ... read more

Europe » France September 14th 2019

62 miles Thursday 12th September Breakfast today was one of the worst we have had. There was fruit juice, bread, croissants, jam and honey, yoghurt and a hot drink. As the coffee was black only I asked for a hot chocolate which was very nice but strange to have for breakfast. We made the most of what there was and took a yoghurt each 'for the road'. We were away by nine o'clock having further to go. It was very foggy and quite cold when we set off but fortunately it didn't last long and the sun broke through and then it got warmer and warmer as the day went on. The morning saw us passing through pasture land and the afternoon through enormous arable fields. The fields had 'gatine' gates, a style peculiar to this ... read more

Europe » France September 11th 2019

37 miles. Chocolate rice cakes again for breakfast. It's very weird to be eating chocolate at breakfast. We supplemented breakfast with our own yoghurt. At least I could make very milky coffee. Using the link from we booked the hotel they wanted to redirect us to and and some one from Booking.Com rang to say they knew we had done that and could they help with anything else. Another later set off as only a short mileage. We were soon heading out of town and on tiny roads through farm land. The first village we passed through had some of the houses built into the cliff sides. We went slightly off route in one small village because it was meant to have a supermarket. After riding round a little bit we found it and a ... read more

Europe » France September 10th 2019

Today's breakfast was definitely different. I had requested 'gluten free bread for one' on the booking form. Our table was set for two with two baskets of chocolate covered rice cakes. Luckily an attendant came and Paul could explain it was just 'sans gluten' for one so she brought him a basket with a baguette and croissants in. There was a basket with butter and jams in, a choice of cornflakes or chocolate cornflakes, orange juice and hot drinks. So not much variety. Eating chocolate for breakfast seemed very odd. Next we had a wander round town which was much busier than last night and the market was on. We found a supermarket and bought a few bits and had a coffee sat outside in the sunshine. The rest of the day was a mixture of ... read more

Europe » France September 10th 2019

48 miles Breakfast was downstairs and was laid out on the table with fresh fruit, cold rice pudding, breads, lots of home made jams, granola, ham , cheese and cake. The owner came across and made us coffee and sat and talked to us. He said the weather had been very variable. In May it was below freezing at one stage and in June above forty degrees. The cold rice pudding with the granola was surprisingly nice and we had plenty to eat. But no 'yoghurt to go'. ( If there are individual yoghurts we pick up a couple to have with nuts later. It can be surprisingly difficult to find individual yoghurts in supermarkets). We didn't rush to move on as check out wasn't until eleven o'clock and again we had less mileage. It was ... read more

Europe » France September 8th 2019

50 miles Another great days cycling in good weather. First stop was Spa to buy picnic goodies. Usually I go in and do the shopping and Paul stays outside with the bikes. When I came out of the shop he said "Look what's next door". Next door was a Boulangerie that was open so we could have bought sandwiches there but it didn't matter as we had food now so didn't need to worry about that. Strangely enough through out the morning we saw several Boulangeries that were open. Sods law. If we have been relying on finding one we wouldn't have done. For about the first 25 miles the roads were dead straight and undulating with numerous villages usually built at the crest of an undulation so that as you left one village you could ... read more

Europe » France » Brittany September 7th 2019

43 miles A very pleasant days riding today along very quiet country lanes through farm land with cattle and crops growing. The weather was similar to yesterday so just right for cycling. We didn't leave the hotel till well after ten o'clock as the mileage for the day wasn't too high. We didn't pass a supermarket on our way out of town so we kept a look out for one as we passed through the villages on route. We found a Boulangerie at Erbree and bought two baguettes filled with ham and cheese. Next door to the Boulangerie was a shop called 'Ty Gwen' which apparently means 'white house' in Welsh and is quite common here as the Welsh and Breton languages are very similar. We stopped briefly in Le Pertre as I spotted more public ... read more

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