Beata and Tomek's Guestbook

27th August 2012

Interesting Blog
Interesting Blog.
27th August 2012

Thanks for the memories of my time at Phi Phi and Railay...
and the pictures of the monsoon was particularly dramatic!
26th August 2012

When you changed your profile picture several months ago...
I knew someday you would post a blog about your time on a beach...most likely an island in southern Thailand. Thanks for a very informative blog. I think I will send it to my son who teaches in Bangkok, so that he has precise information about how to get to paradise.
26th August 2012

yeah when you travel in Asia you just have to spend some time visiting islands - pure pleasure;-) thanks for reading and comments B&T
11th August 2012

Bringing back memories
You've captured this beautiful part of the world similar at times in photographic style to my visit almost five months earlier. Love the creative way you use light and framing to convey the mood of Bagan.
9th August 2012

Thank you!
Great blog, just reading through these in my lunchbreak.. always good for travel planning! :o) We are hoping to visit Burma next year and cannot wait.. your blog has made me really excited for what is to come, hopefully it will have remained just the same!
10th August 2012

Thank you;-)
Very appreciated;-) We are now in Indonesia and re-read your blogs to get clues on where to go;-) How funny;-)
9th August 2012
love Thai food

Beautiful Thailand
I am a regular visitor to Thailand. Thailand is very beautiful country. It is nice to visit Thailand for spending your holidays. Natural beauty of Thailand, food of Thailand, thai girls everything in Thailand is so beautiful that i love to go their since 10 years.
30th July 2012
view of Shwedagon from the other side

I suggest for the Family album...great pic
30th July 2012

I am planning my trip to Myanmar, where did you get your visa? Do you know if there is a fast visa?
30th July 2012
reflection in polished floor

Gorgeous reflection
A wonderfully creative photograph - you should be proud of this one!
31st July 2012
reflection in polished floor

Thank you;-)
thanks Shane, appreciated;-) Tomek
16th July 2012

Happy travels
We continue to enjoy your blogs and photos. We will be in Myanmar in November. Can't wait. Keep on travelin'.
16th July 2012

Glad you got your egg ;)
And the photos are stunning! Enjoyed this!!
16th July 2012

I know...sounds silly right?? To argue about an egg but there and then it just made me soooo angry hahha Beata
11th July 2012
sunrise view

beautiful photos!and this one is perfect. I'm hoping for Burma next year. your new profile picture is pretty nice too :)
11th July 2012
sunrise view

Thank you very much TinNie!!! And you noticed the photo too, nice. Beata
5th July 2012

Awesome Pics
Love the cat and the temple in the cave - great photography!
5th July 2012

Always enjoy your perceptions
We will be in Burma in November and are excited to explore. Indeed you found what we found and that is experiencing the people is far more important. Can't wait to read more.
7th July 2012

Thank you;-)
It is good to hear from you again!!! Not long left before you go on the big trip!!! We are sure you will love Myanmar and discover some amazing thing on your own;-) Thanks for reading as always! B&T
4th July 2012

I am planning a trip to Myanmar so your article gives me good information and tips. I haven´t read about this place. Excellent pictures. Hugs from Argentina. Graciela

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