"China isn't another country, it's another world" - Lonely Planet

September 23rd 2006
Published: September 23rd 2006
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Daqing, in the Heilongjiang Province of China is my sister's city. Daqing is also the sister city to my city: Calgary. One of the general characteristics of this city are the pump jacks that exist in the center of markets or in the middle of a sidewalk (causing a person to walk on the road to get around it). They are the friendly giants that exist side by side with the buildings & people, j... Read Full Entry

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this one is clean... not a lot of privacy especially if you get the one at the door
one of a millionone of a million
one of a million

Shang Sha, a mall just down the road. the round symbol at the top-red & orange, is the Daqing Oil Company's symbol. Daqing owes it's soul to the oil company, if it didn't exist then Daqing would be a hamlet still
Hei Mao, Xibin RoadHei Mao, Xibin Road
Hei Mao, Xibin Road

on my 3 hour walk one day. you can see the traffic road, the bicycle lane & the sidewalk

a note book I found in the store

I was truely impressed by Colleen, she just pushed her way right up to the front there & got some bun things for us to eat
tough to be a hair dressertough to be a hair dresser
tough to be a hair dresser

the hair dressers doing their morning exercize/march, then in the evening they have to dance
Colleen's apartmentColleen's apartment
Colleen's apartment

lesson planning at her new kitchen table
Colleen's apartmentColleen's apartment
Colleen's apartment

bed room sun room
English cornerEnglish corner
English corner

we had some of Colleen's students/friends over & I planned a scavenger hunt. this is three of the guys with a little neighbourhood kid for the item "photo of 4 boys"

bringing the food home

eating our bean curd noodles like good little girls
Colleen's apartmentColleen's apartment
Colleen's apartment

& now the walkway is gone, things happen so fast around here

so much fun

This is the group of Ch........ that I got to hang out with on Sundays

the city has these exersize things in many parks, including in Colleen's apartment area. this is Colleen & her friend Belinda

Colleen & Belinda in Time's Square

23rd September 2006

Hey! You don't wear sunglasses on the top of your head! You took some great shots of Colleen at home and job, helps those of us back home to see what her life is like too. Look forward to your arrival back home.
23rd September 2006

bubble tea
Yes, we will buy you a bubble tea in China Town. We know where to get them. And they are great, especially on a hot day. You have created a wonderful keepsake of your trip.
26th September 2006

long finger nails
Someone finally gave me an explanation for the long finger nails. He said that the long left pinky finger nail is for opium. I don't know if that is actually true so I will continue to ask until I get a concensus on that. It could explain the behaviour of the happy taxi drivers however. You know how it goes in the taxis- The taxi driver rattles off in Chinese and then ends with, "...ma?" so you know that he just asked a question. I tell him, "I hear you but I don't understand you." (In Chinese of course.) Then he thinks that it is incredibly funny that I don't understand and so continues to rattle off in Chinese and then he tells me that I didn't understand anything and the process continues. I have never thought it was a very funny situation but I guess if you are on opium, maybe it is funny. In fact, I think my limited Chinese is VERY frustrating. On the other hand, maybe the long fingernails have nothing to do with opium. Perhaps taxi drivers just have a different sense of humor.
13th December 2007

Hello, I have just read your blog and found it very interesting. My sister, friend and I will be travelling to daqing to teach at the Joy school there. I was wondering if you had any comments on the school or just in general. We've heard the boss is great and the teaching is great as well. what did your sister think? do you have any suggestions for the city.. hot spots? is there anywhere in the area you would recomend visiting for a day trip or something along those lines? Is it actually as cold as everyone makes it out to be? Any info is greatly appreciated. we are just curious about our new home. thanks :)

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