Remembering the lessons learned....Dawukou

May 11th 2012
Published: May 11th 2012
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20 years ago this summer my family was living in Germany for the second time because my father was still working for the United States Air Force. My parents took it upon themselves to instill in me an appreciation of the German culture that I was surrounded by. They did this by taking a trip to Bavaria, which lies in the south of Germany. They took the opportunity to take my sister and me to the famous Neuschwanstein (New-Schwan-Stine), which was on a high hill. After spending time there it was time to come down and get some dinner. The trip down was going alright until the last few steps for me. Loose gravel is perhaps my one known weakness. To this day I have the scar from that slip.

An old Chinese proverb goes something like this: Going up the mountain is easy. Coming down the mountain is hard. Having lived here now 8 months I can now say that the Chinese are perhaps the wisest people on planet Earth. After all, they have had nearly 5000 years to learn from. This knowledge not only addresses issues such as mountain climbing, but which foods are good for the body. If I could spend a life time here I am sure that I could learn much more from these wise and friendly people.

Even though I am in a considerable amount of pain right now, I would not have it any other way. My day officially began at lunch time where I had my favorite dish, Green Beans with Garlic (Gung bian do jaow) with friends. The beauty of living in China is that things are rarely planed in advance. So on this day when I did not know what I would do, my afternoon and weekend were planned for me. Much like my up an coming trip to Xian.

Before lunch was over it was decided that we would go Pa Shan (or Mountain Climbing). I was invited to come along and so I said yes. One of my fellow teachers was a part of the hiking planning committee and so I was just a little nervous about this adventure. But it beat the alternative of just sitting in my apartment watching a movie, especially because time here in China is short.

After going back to our apartments and making the necessary clothing change we commandeered some taxis and off we went. After some technical difficulties we would begin our hike at a little after 5 PM (or WU Dian). Our goal in mountain climbing would involve going to see some rock art. I will say that at this point I did not bring my camera, which considering the event was a wise choice.

Going up, even with my challenges, was rather easy. Even with no clearly marked path it was easy for our group to go up the mountain. At this point I will say that even though I was the slowest, I went the highest. I knew no fear as I climbed this mountain.

Descending down the mountain was a new challenge because there was no clearly marked path. I will say that at this point, mountain climbing requires critical thinking, movable appendages and a little luck. While my legs were long enough to get me down the mountain, even at some points I worked with members of my hiking group to get down the mountain.

The area in question was a drop of more than 8 feet, and it was to the point where we would have to go back up and go down another way. There were two paths that we could try to navigate. The group chose another path, but I was about to go down another which was safe enough for my purposes. After the group objected I went down their path and made my way down the mountain with the rest of them. This reflects the Jewish Proverb that says a person should go with a friend. This way if one of them falls the other can help them up.

I am grateful for this proverb and the friends I went with on this day. I wouldn’t have it any other way!


Lessons Learned

Today has been very productive for me, despite recovering from mountain climbing yesterday. I have been able to write two newsletters and so I hope you enjoy them! Do you ever go into a new situation and try to learn something from it? The situation could be anything from trying sushi to sky diving. Before you go through whatever may be, how blank is your slate? I am grateful that Fate gave me a blank slate before coming to China. Through many experiences the slate of my life that I entitled “China” has been filled with many wonderful memories.

This past week my school, the Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology had two days of sports for the students. In China I have learned that there is no such thing as a day off, and so since the sports days happened on school days my weekend would be different. I told my students that because we had class on Sunday (this very day) we would go to Forest Park.

Before I had these students I was told that they would be a challenge to teach. Eight months ago I began teaching these “Diamonds in the Rough” and they were a challenge. The first semester that I had them they taught me how to make a decision and stick with it. Even though they did so unawares I am grateful that these kids were given to me. I learned that it is alright to give a weekly test. My father used to say, “If it doesn’t kill you it will make you stronger” and that applied to them as well as me the first semester.

At one point one of my students did not pass the course because she missed a few major tests. While the justice in me said that she needed to face the consequences of her actions, she is the second student to teach me something. The powers that be said that she would be dropped out of the school, and at this point I am grateful that the decision did not rest with me. When this semester rolled around I asked my students the first day of class if she was back at school. They said yes she was back, so I resolved to teach her while she was in my classroom.

Through this student I learned the beauty of a second chance that Fate so often gives me. Her attendance has been perfect this semester and she passed the mid-term test with flying colors. She has also helped me tremendously in the task of learning Chinese language. My biggest challenges are the four tones and how to say them. With her help they are not such a big challenge anymore.

On the day of 29 April 2007 we met by the classroom at 2:30 PM. I was grateful that the weather was excellent for our trip. I was even more grateful for their company through Forest Park. This large bit of park in Dawukou lies at the foot of the Helen Mountains. I told my students that we would not go mountain climbing today because I was stiff from yesterday. They did not complain because the chance to have class outside of the room was hopefully worthwhile.

On this day they reminded me of what I was some 10 to 12 years ago, and how far Fate has brought me to this point. At this point in their lives they are just in the second of five years from earning their diplomas. This school, I was told, was their last chance. They have taught me how give any task my all. Even though I am only in their lives for this moment, I will give them all I can. This is being done with the mindset that they will compete against 1.3 Billion people in this country alone.

They taught me what it means to have fun at their age. It is amazing what can happen when nine strangers come together. Last semester I was tough with them and it has paid off, and this is further evidence of what can happen with a second chance.

When we arrived at the Wudong Temple that sits at the base of the mountain we had our picnic. Picking out a table in the shade we shared the things we had brought for our time together. I’ve learned that as time comes to a close in any adventure the moments become more and more precious. The seconds that I spent with them seeme


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