
July 12th 2011
Published: July 12th 2011
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Dubai is in Saudi Arabia .It is very very hot during the summer .When we went to Dubai we went for many fun stuff.We went to a mall (sorry i dont know the name),it was very famous for its activities. When we went there we went into this place where there was artificial snow . We signed up for an hour inside.We had snow ball fights and made snowmen .It was lots of fun because to live in a place where it never snows at all i was sooooo......... much of fun.Then when there wa a half an hour break we had hot chocolate and marshmellows(yum yum yum .....!).After that we wanted to get a little warm so we decided to go to the desert . We went with family and friends so we all squashed into one jeep .We went for the dunes ride .Which was a joyful mistake,cause it was a thrilling and squashy ride! We went up and down and up and down and up and up and up and dooooooooooownnnnnnnnnnnn........!!!!!!!oh what a fuuun ride .Well if you cant belive it that experience was only in one day!bye


13th July 2011

DJ - your travel blogs are cool, and makes me want to come back everyday to read what you may have written:)) I have 2 suggestions for you to improve it though - check the facts before uploading (for example - Dubai is NOT in Saudi Arabia:O); and see if you can upload some general pics...would be more fun then! What say....?

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