Education, education, education

January 20th 2011
Published: January 20th 2011
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Having been accepted for my second choice of business school, I thought I wouldn't have any more application forms to fill out for quite a while. I was wrong. Now, it's scholarship application time. Luckily for me not all of them are awarded on academic prowess because I really didn't do very well in my undergrad. I got a 2:1, but only ever studied for the modules I found interesting, in the rest (probably about half) I did just enough to get by. In my defence, I was working in the shop one day a week, doing about ten hours paid or unpaid journalism, helping out at hospital radio and, dare I say it, having a life. However, I now need to prove to the great and the good that I deserve a hand, and that they *do* want to give me some money so that I can afford to do this non too cheap course. So, more forms to fill out, and more challenges to try to tell 'my story' in a unique and compelling way...urgh.

It's funny though. There are some pretty big awards that are very generous and very competitive. There are also quite a few smaller ones, which would still be worth getting, but which impose some funny restrictions. I was hoping that as an half and half (Asian and white, obviously), muslim woman I might tick a few minority/widening participation boxes, but no luck so far. My favourite criteria for a scholarship award is that to apply you must have "one of the following surnames: Buchanan, McAuslan (any spelling), McWattie or Risk." I mean, what will the competition be like for that?? Maybe I should find one of these folks and marry him!

By the way, it's still snowing here. Been pretty much non stop for three days, although it is very, very light so not more than a few inches. The kids were off school today and will be tomorrow. I think it's mainly because of the cold (no heaters and poor insulation) rather than the actual snow, but at least they get some time to play outside, and I gather that it hasn't snowed like this here for a good few years so everyone is quite excited. The kids will have to lose two days of their New Year holiday though as they won't be allowed to break up until they have made up the time. Harsh, but I guess that's why Chinese kids are a lot smarter than British and American ones!


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