Last day in Phnom Penh

June 13th 2010
Published: June 13th 2010
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Today is our last day in Cambodia, as we have a flight to Bangkok at 5:20 tonight. Yesterday we said goodbye to the rest of the Erasmus group as some of them went to Vietnam or Nepal, while some went back to the states.

Yesterday we rented a little motorbike and cruised around Phnom Penh and over the Mekong River out to one of the surrounding provinces. We rented the bike for the whole day for $7. It was a great way to get around and see the city plus we got to get out of the real touristy areas, which was nice.

We're going to check out of our guesthouse in a couple hours to go have lunch and get to the airport early so Airasia doesn't try to screw us over.

For whatever reason, I can't get my camera to upload pictures onto the computers here. It looks like I won't be able to upload any unless I find somebody with a laptop that has an SD drive.

Next update will be from Thailand!

- Jackson


13th June 2010

great adventure!
We enjoy hearing about your trip and following it on your itinerary and my SE Asia map. We are anxious to visit in person and hear stories of all your experiences. Gige and GpaBill

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