
August 24th 2003
Published: September 26th 2009
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Mount Kinabalu 24th August 2003 Solo debilitating, depleting, draining, fatiguing, sapping, taxing, tiresome, wearing, wearying, conk out, cripple, debilitate, drain, draw, enervate, fatigue, overfatigue, poop out, prostrate, sap, suck dry, weaken, wear down, weary, backbreaking, burdensome, exhausting, fatiguing, formidable, grueling, harsh, heavy, labored, laborious, murder, no picnic, onerous,... Read Full Entry

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Laban Rata Laban Rata...
Almost there...Almost there...
Almost there...

The last kilometre up to Laban Rata nearly kills, the thin air, the rocky ground, the jelly legs...I just want to sight Laban Rata, nevermind Low's Peak...

I arrived at Laban Rata at about 4.30pm, having set off from Timpohon Gate at about 9.30am. I'd never been so happy seeing a yellow-roof hut...
Laban Rata Laban Rata
Laban Rata

Accommodation at Laban Rata is dormitory style and 2 "VIP Rooms". I was lucky as I'd pre-booked one of these so-called VIP that time, I definitely was in no mood and shape to be communal...There's also other accommodation huts near Laban Rata (Panar Laban, Waras Hut, Gunting Lagadan). But these huts just look so miserable and primitive. And yes, the rooms at Laban Rata are heated...heaven...
Laban RataLaban Rata
Laban Rata

My VIP room...Buttercup....
Laban RataLaban Rata
Laban Rata

KM6...before the final push for the submitKM6...before the final push for the submit
KM6...before the final push for the submit

Decided to torture myself further by searching for the KM6 marker...
Push for the summitPush for the summit
Push for the summit

Climbers choosing to head to the summit will usually head off between 2-2.30am. Knowing my speed, I chose a much earlier time...It didn't start off started to pour, making it even colder and darker...well, plenty of these muscular young chaps were already giving up there and then...I nearly did the same too...
Push for the summitPush for the summit
Push for the summit

unrelentingly steep...About two hours after leaving Laban Rata, reached Sayat-Sayat, where permits and registration were checked. Ahhhaaa the roped section of the climb...tricky and treacherous.

No photo while descending...more concerned with getting off in one whole piece. To compensate myself, bought this's the same...

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