Explore. Dream. Discover. - The End Of A Journey

December 18th 2009
Published: December 18th 2009
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Firstly I'd like to thank all those who have read my blog's over the past nine months. I hope that you enjoyed them and hopefully I will get to do more in the future. The words of Frank Sinatra's My Way sum up our last nine months more than I can ever imagine writing it. We can relate to every word and sentence, to describe the journey we have being through. If you read nothing else but the wordâ€... Read Full Entry

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18th December 2009

The end! What a pity! Maybe you will still visit us here on TravelBlog, now and again after you get home. :)
18th December 2009

welcome home!
19th December 2009

I'm an addict so I probably will! Hopefully now I can answer more of people's questions in the travel forums, It's hard when your on the road but it should be a bit easier now!
19th December 2009

Thanks Siobhan!
19th December 2009

Merry Christmas!
Some dream their life, I live my dreams! Welcome to the club! And when it comes to travel, no more dreams, only projects, plans and choices! Sad we never met, but I m sure this will happen one day.
19th December 2009

awh its so sad but so good all at once! cant wait to see ye!!!
19th December 2009

ps thanks for the tip bout Shellys fake tan, our layers are being piled on as we speak!
19th December 2009

Thailand is a favourite of mine, so I'll definitely be back!
20th December 2009

Haha I love how "getting back to normal" solely revolves around food! Hope the first glass of milk is amazing. By the way, I also want to do the Trans Siberian train and Colombia - see you there?xx
20th December 2009

im cuming too....
Im sooo excited ye'r on ye'r journey home.....but goina miss the bloggs! gud work daz :) P.s. Next rd trip.......is there room for 1 more ha! see ye soon yeh!
20th December 2009

fab round up
Wow fab end to your blog.. It's made us feel quite sad reading this as we're also going home soon and it brings back memories of all the amazing times we've had... sad times for having to go home but happy times for having experienced some of the most amazing things there are to experience in the world :o)
21st December 2009

Thanks a million. Make sure you enjoy each and every last minute as come home is only fun for so long!
3rd January 2010

Well done!
Sorry to see your blogs come to an end, but well done on keeping them going for the 9.5 months you were on the road (as we know, it's not easy!) Hopefully, it won't be too long til the next one.... Best of luck for the future, Dee & Lorna
14th March 2010

Well done
Hey guys, I have been meaning to comment on this entry a while now - well done! I hope that my final blog (I am afraid it will have to come one day) will be just as thoughtful as this one!
14th March 2010

Cheers. Good to know people liked it!

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