being a kid, adult shenanigans and earth hour solo act

March 31st 2009
Published: March 31st 2009
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Well...a few interesting thing have happened of late. Firstly, I was taken out for the day on Saturday by nine of my grade seven students. It was a fabulous day. Not only did they insist on buying my lunch and buying me gifts, they gave me the best gift ever of reliving my childhood, Chinese style!

First we caught a bus into the city and they took me to an arcade where we played daytona and other similar driving games for a good 45 minutes. I have decided I much prefer the games where the view is as if you are looking out from the drivers seat. For some reason when the view is of the car I have way more trouble keeping it on the road. Go figure.Anyway, then they took me to lunch, at KFC, not something I'd normally eat, and I suspect strongly that the Colonel's secret ingredient may actually be....survey says, MSG but a nice gesture all the same. They amused me by asking most politely how many hamburgs I needed. (Of course being a foreigner I am expected to eat three times the amount of anyone) They were quite surprised when I insisted that one was plenty.

After lunch they took me shopping in the city and after about half an hour of that they announced we would go to the park. So I'm thinking of cherry blossom trees and park benches. Translation amusement park! The first ride was one of those long ships that goes back and forth and gets higher and higher and makes you feel like your stomach is going to drop. Incidentally, the Chinese have particularly weak stomachs and there are actually spew bins next to the rides. Two of the kids used the spew bin as soon as we disembarked and when I asked them if they were ok, they replied nevermind and hurried to the ticket office to buy their next ride ticket. Hmmm, maybe they should have taken me to the amusement park before KFC perhaps.

After this they decided we would go back to the city, but they were to tired to walk the 15 mins, so we got into the bicycle towing trailers and went in tandem that way, which was a pretty bloody amusing sight I would imagine.They topped off the days antics by taking me to karaoke, stop cringing, you all know I am the karaoke queen! I sang 4 English songs, they sang loads of Chinese pop songs. Who is Jay Chou? You might ask, well now I know. It is so imprinted on my brain that I'm actually planning a lesson about travel vocab titled on tour with Jay Chou! I reckon it will win me creds even with the too cool for school grade eight boys!After this we all headed home. Exhuasted but happy!

Previous to the weekend I discovered expats night at The Bookworm. I was having a moment on Wednesday, and really wanted someone to engage in a midweek drink with. So on Wednesday evening I set out to find some friends! I walked past 2 empty bars and almost decided it was all over. I then decided I would go to The Bookworm anyway and have a couple of reds.Well, did I go on the right night or what!!!!

I was there about 20 mins when people started to gather and there was talk of musical entertainment...for free! After sitting for a few more minutes I skulled the last of my second vino, plucked up my dutch courage and approached a table of friendly looking expats!As it happens Wednesday night is the night and I am looking forward to many many more before I leave.It turned out to be a night of Shenanigans, great company and a little too many bevvies. I won at pool twice and when I'm winning at pool, I've had too much too drink. I smoked cigis and when I smoke cigis, I've had too much to drink. I woke up with a headache and blurred vision and was slightly late for work, this means, I have had too much to drink!!! But it was so worth it for the fun night and the future fun nights that will ensue. Needless to say, I am looking forward to tomorrow night at The Bookworm, but this week I will pace myself! I am so so proud of my vino networking skills but those of you who've been out drinking with me on more than one occasion, I'm sure will find none of it surprising!

In other news, I believe that I can claim status as the only person in Suzhou who participated in earth hour on Saturday ): Oh well at least I turned off my lights, heater etc and read by candle light for an hour. It was actually kind of fun!

Also yesterday as I came out of school, I was treated to half the Chinese army running down the road, most of them shirtless. What's hotter than an Asian man in uniform?.....An Asian man in half his uniform, running!!!! What an afternoon delight indeed!

Well that's all for now folks! Signing out till another day!


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