Video Documentary of the Rest of Our Trip

November 16th 2007
Published: November 16th 2007
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We blame Bollywood. After two weeks surrounded by cameras and self-important men shouting "Action!", going back to still pictures just wouldn't cut it. That was also about the time we discovered that Jenny's point-and-shoot had a video function. Result? "How to Get Lost," a montage of our favorite video clips from India, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.

Check it out at:

The movie is broken down by country and lined up in order. Production and narration by Randy, music by Randy and Jenny, special cameo appearances by Nadya, Georgia, and a very friendly baby black bear named Paula. Happy watching!


16th November 2007

Love the videos
Hi, I've watched all the videos and love them! My wife and I are getting ready to leave on our round the world trip (Jan 2008) and I wanted to do something like this too. These videos are inspiring!
17th November 2007

Good job on the videos! I will start my journey to SE Asia in Dec 07.
17th November 2007

Great work guys!
Really impressed with what you've put together with a point and shoot digital camera - also brought back memories for me - I'm I stayed in that room with the spiders in Laos!
17th November 2007

Love It!
I've been waiting for a blog for a long time now and I'm super impressed with the video's you've made! They're awsome! and such a great way to chronicle your travels
17th November 2007

Guys, that was one of the best videos I've seen! Great stuff.
17th November 2007

Thanks for your creativity. I find myself asking why the hell did I ever return home... and I am left answerless... But thank you! In Peace
17th November 2007

Fantastic----Absolutely made for the big screen!!! See you at turkey day!!!
18th November 2007

I always wondered what had happened to you pair. Inspiring videos, really quite wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with us!
23rd November 2007

amazing videos! where are you off to next?
3rd December 2007

Thank you...
As a random follower of this blog, I was afraid that perhaps something had happened to you two, or you just decided not to update. I'm thrilled you took the time to do this. You're both extremely talented (great job with cinematography, editing, and music). You blog was originally one of several that kindled the travel fire in me and these mini-docs are refiring that passion. I hope you both make it home (or to your next destination) safe and sound.
8th January 2008

great videos of your trip. Very inspiring.

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