Kuala Lumpar part II

September 13th 2007
Published: September 13th 2007
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You need a sense of humour and reasonable amount of patience to go bag shopping on Petaling Street - the KL Chinatown market - husltle, bustle, battering and constant, 'Miss, Miss, you want a bag? Come in and look...You want this one..no this one...I give you good price...cheap, cheap...look designer, Gucci, real leather (haha as if!)

...and yes I did look, in every bag stall (about one every 2-3 stalls all selling pretty much the same stock!) because I did need a bag! Though I knew exactly what I wanted and the price I wanted to pay...I wanted the bag I had on me already - that size, that practicality and that price (8.50RM but I would pay up to 15RM)

Unfortunately I didn't find what I was looking for - though the first stall, ironically, had a reasonable fit bargained down from 60RM to 15RM...but I did get a whole lot of amusement out of the escapade...and when I finally escaped from the market street I was met by the common call to the white person in Asia...'Taxi, taxi!'


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