India - First fortnight

February 9th 2007
Published: February 20th 2007
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Midday SnackMidday SnackMidday Snack

Goats recycling the rubbish near the TPA office
Acclimatised to eating with hands on the floor, great fun, almost like playdough. As a cow this would be the place to be. At 1am rambling through the bus station eating anything they feel their enzymes can cope with.
In Sivakasi at the Projects Abroad office for the weekend. It feels like a hotel. Getting over the lesson stage nervousness. They love "I'm a little teapot" provided it involves jumping and sudden leg movements. And shaking Emili and my hand seems to be a novelty. Also pinching Emili's cheeks.
At times I understand how Coco and the cats feel, when the world goes on around you and affects you but you don't really get the music the drummer is playing.
Apparently indian children wear anklets with bells so they don't walk in on their parents doing anything they might not want to see. The food is fantastically sinus clearing. And the Hindu family who feed us are somehow related to the Muslim family whose house we live in, but I haven't figured the relationship yet.
I thought having to stand in the corner was bad enough, but the three year olds here get hit with rulers.
Made the mistake of giving a sweet to the winner of animal bingo. So ten more winners decided it would be beneficial to admit they were done, so got them to write their names for later. So maybe I'll be able to rememebr them. "Whats' my name" is quite a popular game.


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