Musings from Carol

January 6th 2007
Published: January 6th 2007
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My greatest culinary joy came from a street vendor. There she was opening up a banana leaf, into the center of it she put sweet coconut sticky rice, then she added cream carmel and a mango sauce. It was folded into a little neat package and handed to me. We sat by a fountain and indulged in a small piece of heaven in the midst of hordes of office workers and belching diesel cars and buses. That was on Thursday, it certainly helped with the jet lag and the initial disappoint of the Atlanta Hotel. Since then we have decided it provides for all that we need while we are here. Intially I was offended by the numerous signs threatening guests that if they were caught with a sex trade worker that not only would they be kicked out immediately but they would be seen as a loser. We were also reminded that we, the guests had no right to complain because "this hotel is not run as a business and they don't care what your opions are". "Don't like it, get out! As usual with many hotels, the entrance is the nice decoy, it all changes once you go up the stairs to your "room". Small and very dingy, the decibel level from the adjacent freeway may prevent you from hearing your partner/husband express his dismay about the lack luster room. The shower is pitiful once the water is warm. But as usual we have adjusted. Changed rooms to a lower level, discovered that food is quite good there, the swim pool is helpful for my sore back and that the guests are quite interesting. Tonight, we have been invited to dine out with Tim from Australia. We have quite scintilating conversations with Roger, a lawyer from England who manages the hotel.

As usual I am feeling quite loutish around the Thai women, they are all size 2 or less, with lovely straight black hair and could be models for the fashion shows one sees on television. They, of course, balance on the sides of the motor bikes, with beautiful high heels dangling from their feet. And here I am with my orthopedic shoes clumping along, trying to hold my head high with pride.

Last night we caught the very chic sky train to the mall, where all thin, lovely Thia women go. We were in the midst of modernism. A series of stairs with waterfalls beside them, led us down to the street level. In a dark alley, to our left, a man was making iced Thai coffee, next to him was woman selling hot Thai food. The alley was dim and smelled of cat urine, coffee and delicious food. We went down it for 5 minutes and entered a dimly lit Buddhist temple. Monks sat around smoking cigarettes, cats and dogs ran everywhere, the heat was intense. The buildings were run down and dirty. The whole area stank of animals, neglect and age. The monks were very inviting and friendly, indicating we were welcome to take one of the mangy animals with us. I looked up there gleaming and white was the very modern Siam shopping center, 100 yards away. Today in contrast we had tea at the very famous Orient Hotel, on the river. Again to get there we walked through alleys filled with people cooking delicious looking food, some of which we have been indulging in. Everyone is camping out, enjoying life. Thai people seem to snack constantly. I may suffer aches and pains but not of the stomach. Monday we fly to Laos. David's turn...

Hi..I'm a little tired to chat much more, so I'll say good -night and send some more news in a day or two when we get through the border into Laos.


David & Carol


8th January 2007

Carol's Views
I was reading the very colourful writings from Carol and wondering if you get many comments in return. I also wondered if you could retrieve the comments as you go. Carol, thank you for the "musing" it is a nice light read on my Monday morning. It is amazing how we adjust to our enviroment and change our expectation levels to suit our needs in life. As a traveler it is a survival skill. Travel safe and have fun. Keep my Dad off the computer, your stories are a much more enjoyable read! Sorry Dad. Love, Stephen

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