Blogs from Ho Chi Minh City, Southeast, Vietnam, Asia - page 13


Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City March 1st 2016

On my list of last minute things to do in Saigon: get a cup of really good coffee, get a massage, take a look at Mariamman Hindu Temple. That's it. Don't want to be too ambitious my last few hours. I have to get up at 3:30 am to head to the airport. I thought I'd beat the horrendous traffic by setting out early. Beating traffic is not possible. Zillions of scooters buzzed their collective way down the streets. I held my breath as I crossed a big street. I was in the middle thinking, "my gawd, am I going to live through this?" No break in traffic--I'm in the middle, and they're whizzing by--cars, trucks, motorbikes. They were very considerate, however, and avoided hitting me. Finally a break, and some drivers slowed a little for ... read more
Scooter drivers use face masks to preserve white skin
Only one leg, but perfect balance
Moving in the morning

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 29th 2016

It’s only 4 weeks since we were freezing our wotsit’s off in Outer Mongolia, today in Saigon we are sweltering in the mid 90’s F, even got our shorts on! Boy, did we make a mistake getting here? As we'd had a good experience getting the night bus to Hoi An, we thought we would give it another go. Armed with a couple of books and a downloaded film, we took the 22-hour bus ride from Hoi An to Saigon. First thing was that the bus wasn’t up to the previous standard with broken and ripped seats. We worried also there was no emergency exit and all the emergency hammers for breaking windows for evacuation were missing. We were delayed while 5 motorcycles were dismantled for carriage with luggage below. The more we neared Saigon the ... read more
On a rick shaw
Cu chi tunnel
night bus

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 29th 2016

On the plane from Phu Quoc, to my horror and then relief, the guy who sat next to me was the terrible singer (Scandinavian, not Russian, as it turns out) who kept us awake the other night on his bungalow verandah. Soooooo relieved I didn't go out and complain, and that they were quiet last night! or Gill would have. How relaxing would that have been, oopsie, especially as they sat near us at breakfast. Sometimes it is just better to ride it out and hope they pass out eventually! Our case was second off the plane. The Swedish family in front of us had admitted they had fish sauce in their bag and had had to unpack and hand it in At Phu Quoc. So much for it being OK on Jetstar, tour guide Harry! ... read more
She made us drink up and go, even though the restaurant was empty
Sweet shop on a scooter!
There he is!

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 23rd 2016

This was my second trip to the tunnels in 3 weeks, same company, TNK Travel. I've used them on every visit to Vietnam. This time I have so not been impressed! It would seem that a very good question to ask is how many people will there be. In the past I went on a minibus, small group, good fun. This time it was a huge coach, about 30 of us and it was far too many. Also, we made an unnecessary rest stop after 1 1/2 hours, nobody wanted it, and the sole purpose was to herd us through a workshop where disabled people were making lacquerware and stuff out of eggshells, huge sales room, nobody bought anything except for fruit shakes, a total waste of half an hour. So we got to the tunnels ... read more
Gill did 20m through a tunnel
The Chill Bar

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City February 23rd 2016

I have just come back from a boat trip to the extensive Can Tho wholesale market. Even though we left at 6:30 a.m., the serious business was over for the day and tourist boats abounded. On the 30 minute boat ride river traffic was constant - small boats and medium boats, all motor powered. As we entered the melee that was the market, we saw piles of small pineapples, something that looked like jicama, sweet potatoes, watermelon, cabbages, and more. “Corner store” boats weaved in and out, offering mostly cold drinks and coconuts. Buyers seemed to know just what they wanted from which vendors, because transactions happened quickly. Many boat people seemed to be relaxing, perhaps having concluded most of their business for the day. We went around once, and then came back around for Thuy ... read more
Stall holder with shopping
Family graves
Puffed dough

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 21st 2016

Today the plan was: War Remnants Museum, try to buy Water Puppet tickets, lunch with Harry, Eden Spa for nails and leg massage, XO night tour of the city. We got motorbikes over to the museum, 30,000 each. Gills driver's head attire consisted of a baseball cap with a cycle helmet on top. 15,000 for us to go in and 2000/5000 for Vietnamese (I forget which) - I should think so too, it should be free for them. It was my 3rd visit but it doesn't get any easier, all those harrowing photos. I must read about the history more, so it is more meaningful and put into context. Must say, I sort of admire the Americans who certainly come away with a negative opinion of them, although of course there were very many opposed to ... read more
Relieved to find a photo of British resistance to the war
School party, very young to see such graffiti photos. Hope they don't have nightmares!
Stasistics about the murder of villagers, by someone who went on to be a US Senator!

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City February 21st 2016

Breakfast was an expansive buffet of Asian and Western items. I combined the two cultures by having scrambled eggs and fried rice. (I am already tired of white bread - and white rice for that matter.) We departed at 7:30, for a one-and-a-half hour drive through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City and slightly into the countryside. The downtown area, called Saigon, is an endless stream of small storefront businesses, with big signs and big billboards in all the in-between places. Hordes of small motorbikes cross the intersections when the light changes – and this is a Sunday when most things are closed! In the outer reaches of the City more of a village atmosphere prevailed – calmer, fewer signs, people playing mahjong or snoozing in a hammock under a canopy. Even farther out, the ... read more
Inside the tunnel
The Independence Palace

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 20th 2016

Waiting at the airport for Gill was an experience in itself. Outside arrivals it was deceptively quiet to start, then as some flights from China, Gill's included, were due to arrive, the crowds started to gather. There were rows of orange plastic chairs with space for passengers between, but the people waiting kept filling all this space. The security guard was going nuts with his whistle but King Canute stood a better chance - as soon as his back was turned they all swarmed in again. I knew the flight was there but no sign of Gill. 1 1/2 hours after landing there she was, being swept along by the tide. Her case, however, was absent. My second family member with missing case in 4 months. I must have bad luggage karma. The first flight had ... read more
Amazing building, but I could only look up at it if sitting down or leaning on a lamp post!

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 19th 2016

Last night my Family Members rescued me from outside a brothel. In my defence, I didn't know it was, had just stopped to have a beer, choosing the back rather than front line to minimise the vendor attention. I'd been to the shop opposite An An Hotel, where I knew I could get DVDs, but they didn't have anything recent. Outside was another fire eating boy, again very young, rattling his tin. I said that it was very bad for him, the shop girl said he has no parents, but for sure he's run by the mafia who will be taking the money from him. So I wandered along the street to find a local place for a beer, and sat down. There were 3 'massage' girls outside, ignoring women but grabbing hold of any western ... read more
Pork noodle soup, £1.30
Where it is prepared
Little girl with toys, a rare sight

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1 February 19th 2016

It was another flipflop-melting experience on the streets, still enjoy walking here despite the traffic and general cruddy nature of the pavements. I headers off to buy tickets for the water puppets and the place was marked incorrectly on my map, asked some security guards (waved the map at them) and they flapped me in the right direction, a bit further along. The parks here are so beautiful, ginormous trees, well kept flower beds, swept paths, lots of benches. Still v v hot in the shade though. Bad ticket karma- it had just closed for lunch. Continued to the Reunification/unification/independence palace, now open again for business, 30,000 (less than £1) to go in. Have never bothered before but thought why not? In fact I really enjoyed it. It is basically a collection of 1970s furniture. Every ... read more
The red circles are where bombs hit

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