Vietnam - Saigon (Ho Chi Minhn City) and Phu Quoc

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City
October 28th 2009
Published: November 2nd 2009
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Saigon -HCMC We arrived in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) or Saigon at around 2pm after a pretty reasonable bus journey. The locals still like to call it Saigon because the Southern Vietnamese are not as communist as the northern and prefer not to call it HCMC, which is what is was named after the fall of Saigon over 30 years ago. It is a massive city and the centre of all the commerce and finance in ... Read Full Entry

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Tom and his new hatTom and his new hat
Tom and his new hat

to try and cover the hair

2nd November 2009

What a fantastic country, I really would love to go myself one day. You must spend ages on your travelblog, but well worth it as it is both funny and educational! Enjoy the next stage of your journey. Love Auntie Sally x
2nd November 2009

hello! Saigon sounds awesome, really interesting. Its good to see the conflicts through the locals eyes and their museums rather than the americans. And hey if I ever see Tribal Idol on ITV in the future I'll know where it came from! Thanks for the b day card too guys, when I saw envelope I thought my pHD had finally come through. Have a great time in Hong Kong (got to take some city skyline photos!) Sam x
2nd November 2009

What a month!!
What a lot you guys have done in the past month. Vietnam looks brill. I bet New Zealand will be VERY different. Colder, certainly. Enjoy HK. xxxDad

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