Mekong Delta Boat Trip

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Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City
October 14th 2008
Published: October 15th 2008
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1: Mekong Delta Tour 57 secs
Today we left at 8am with a bus that took us to My Tho a town from where we left with a small ferry to explore some islands on The Mekong river.

Our first stop was at a place where coconut candy is made. We were shown how the candy is made and were given samples to taste, super nice, so we bought some. Chris been looking to buy bottles of snake wine, wine bottle containing a cobra's head with a scorpion in it's mouth,
Very tasteful,, hmm. Here he was offered to taste some, and although he looked a bit pale ; he had a shot glass of it and seemed to like it.

After this stop we continued on the river past water coconut trees and people relaxing in hammocks in the middle of the swamp. Our second stop was at a place where they had honey bees and we were offered some sweet green tea. Suddenly a man appear with a large boa constrictor,,,and hung it around a poor ladies neck. I am soo scared of snakes, had to stand up drinking my tea, so I could easily escape if the snake came closer. The snake was passed around among the tourists to hold,, Chris shit scared of snakes,, but he was also one of the brave ones. Afterwards we headed to another island were we had lunch.

The best was yet to come as we after lunch went on small rowing boats along narrow canals,, we were offered to wear typical Vietnamese hats and were dropped off at another place were we had local fruits and Vietnamese musicians performed. Although still monsoon seasons we forgot our rain ponchos which was very unfortunate for us as heavy rain came down for about 1 h. We, along with everyone else who forgot their rain gear were able to buy these very NOT SO, waterproof ponchos. Anyways, by the time we got to the boat, luckily no more thunder and rain slowly subsided as well.

Now we're back safely at the hotel for a relaxing evening. Tomorrow we will go see the cu chi tunnels, a remain from the war.

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16th October 2008

snake liquor ?
Is the same snake wine you have seen? thanks.

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