i found surf in danang

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Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Da Nang
February 21st 2005
Published: February 21st 2005
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so we're driving along the road from hoi an to hue. my uncle in the front seat, mom, aunt huong and me jammed in the back seat of a tiny car...but hey! who's complaining. i'm not on the open tour bus right?

so i ask mom if she can ask the driver if we can stop in danang on the way to hue. the driver says no...it's 2 km off the road. i ask mom to re-translate and "ask politely again" that i am strongly suggesting or actually requesting or actually saying that we must stop in danang on the way to hue. my goodness....did he not understand that i'm in vietnam and i MUST go to china beach, danang where the wave in apocolypse now was apparently located + a short clip from the recent big wave movie (Riding Giants) was shot highlighting the vietnam surf club?(although they visited danang...no big waves to be found) i was not accepting no for an answer.

so within a minute or two, we made a right off the main one lane road towards the beach. the road dead ended to SURF! it was completely empty. 1-2 foot waves. blown out from the winds. overcast. cold. grey skies. windy.
darn. not what i was imagining surfing in vietnam could be. uncle vinh and i walked up the street followed by 4 school children in uniform selling their necklaces for a dollar. i asked one cute little girl about surfing. well i didn't ask...i panomimed it. she understood and walked me up the road to a hotel owner who had one longboard propped up against the wall. he spoke GREAT english. i told him i was interested in surfing...he offered his hotel room above the restaurant, his wife's authentice vietnamese cooking, and the surfboard for $5 per night! he said they had a great session the day before!

score! i told him i'd be back in a week for a week!
as the great governor of california once said, "i'll be back." onward to hue! mission accomplished!

website: http://www.wannasurf.com/spot/Temporary/china_beach/


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