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January 23rd 2007
Published: January 23rd 2007
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Well the morning started out great, we hired a motorbike I drove and Jayde on the back.... Only a couple of near death experiences... haha But we do think it is the best way to see the sights and get amongst it all!

I think I lengthened my concentration span, had to keep on my toes....

We went to see the Citadel, a lake, markets and the back streets of Hue (Oi you). Was all very interesting and eye opening once again.

took the bike back at 1pm and then got on our bus to Danang arriving at 5pm.... When we got off the bus we decided we would stay at China Beach but that decision soon changed when we got there and all it is, is one really long beach and a couple of resorts that smelt like they had not been occupied for 24 years!!!!

So back into town, found a hotel.... then we went touring, but we are now left a little disapointed.... crazy market but thats about it... not really a tourist destination, so were out of here in the morning!!!!

Signing off.... we will be bringing you more amazing adventures
even scariereven scariereven scarier

i trusted sheza more!!

miss yas xoxoxxoxoxoxxoxo

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23rd January 2007

China Beach
Morning girls Tell me what u r having for breakfast? Im having advocado on black bread IM glad you survived the bike trip.. thats very adventurous of you.China beach gets a pretty god rap in LP so that would have been a bit dissapointing There is a big waterpark in danang.. might be worth a look. Did u get to see the water puppets yet? I gave nicole my password for yahoo email so she could see all the photos and get the goss. Im going to newi today so will probably catch up with her. have a nice day love mum
24th January 2007

in hoi An
yeh china beach was very disappointing..winter doesnt really do much for its cause either, still pretty cold! didnt c the water park we got out of danag asap after visiting the fruit markets for breakfast, 80c for a big bunch of bananas...YUM! caught bus to hoi an and have just checked into a hotel. 2 double beds, free internet, tv all that and only $8 US, everythign is in we r pretty happy have just put out washing in..yes our uniform is getting its first wash! and we r off to see the sights...looks like there is lots of good shopping here but we will have to try not to get carried away! tell nicole to write xoxoxoxoxox
24th January 2007

Hi Girls, Sounds like you're having a ball. I'm jealous. But I wouldn't trade hanging out with little Monica for anything. She says "Hi" or rather "Wah Wah". She's looking forward to another snuggle when you get back. Love Avi
24th January 2007

Rock on
Hay Guys, Looks like you 2 are having a blast. Hey Jayde, if you see any cheap t-shirts over there in a XL can you get them for me. Only we you got the time. All good, have fun guys see ya Scotty
24th January 2007

my holiday is nearly over
morning girls u didnt write yesterday. getting tired? we went to scott and av last nite for tea. monica is growing so fast. she is very beautiful.. got lots of nurses. im at school at the moment.. in my new room trying to get some incentive... its been raining for a day and its already started to green up... ill give u a ring later.. have a nice day. did u get scott and av entry?
26th January 2007

hi jaydey have u another entry yet? i can only get to this page. was great to talk to u. do you want the money in your comm. bank visa account? 2 days till school goes back. having fish and chips with ellen an lindsay 2nite. dont forget nana wants to read your blog. take care love u mum and dad
29th January 2007

hey scotty, av and moni!
we r having an absolute ball...its so great here!! how is little moni....i know she would be missing me seeing as tho i am the favourite, but besides that..hows everything else? bit if a shock to be going back to school today scotty?? haha holidays r over!! havent really done any shopping yet..we have so long to go still so we r trying to restrain from buying too much yet!..but i will keep my eyes out for some scotty sorts shirts...anything in particular? r u all attending the family fun times holiday? love yas xoxox

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