Hanoi and Hilltribe trek

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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
May 24th 2006
Published: May 24th 2006
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Hi All

Weel i spent 2 and a half days in Hanoi checking out the city and meeting the people on my tour. there's 9 of us at the moment and it's a great bunch of people. Louise, 19 from Manchester. Laura, 26 from Newcastle. Mel & Elena (25) from Toronto, Truk(26) from London and Lynn & Trever, a retired couple from South Africa.

Hanoi city is busy and traffic is utter chaos. Mopeds beep beep all the time and there's hardly any traffic lights. they try and fit everything on the back of there mopeds (even water buffalos apparently in the country!!). Been to a couple of the temples, the prison and the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum where Uncle Ho is on display (his embalmed body). Also found a nice swimming pool to take a dip when the 30degree heat gets a bit too much.

It's pretty cheap here. A beer or coke for about 30p and main meals cost about 1pound in a sit down restaurant. the food is fantastic and as far as i know now eaten any dog yet!

I'm just back from 3 days trekking in the mountains. It was much cooler up there and it rained constantly. reminded me of home somewhat!! We all got absolutely soaked as we walked for 3 days through jungle and stayed with local families in their houses on stilts and in huts. the washing and toilet facilities were not fun! at one point we had to wade through a river.

i am still a total wuss when it comes to beasties! Had to deal with a few cockroaches and far too many mosquitoes but back in one piece.

Gotta go - off kayaking tomorrow.


25th May 2006

you sound like your having a fantastic time!am soooo jealous!hope your well looking forward to your next journal xxx

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