bored in Hanoi...

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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
July 23rd 2010
Published: July 23rd 2010
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I know it's soon to be updating again, but I'm bored out of my mind at this really strange hotel near the Hanoi airport. Why not kill some time on the keyboard?

Since Sapa, I have met 2 guys from my high school. One of them lives on Sierra Amigo, for those Irvinians reading this. Small world, huh?

I found my journal at the place I left it! I am so thankful for this, as I couldn't even put a price on this thing.

I attempted to fly out of the Hanoi airport today to Luang Phabang, Laos. However, Vietnam Airlines was full and the only other airline that offers service to Laos is Lao Airlines. I kept asking around for Lao Airlines, most people giving me the cold shoulder. I finally found an area that said "Authorized Personnel Only" but it seemed to have other airlines' offices behind the "Restricted Area" which people "Do Not Enter". I chose to be rebellious and try my luck. Nobody seemed to care that I was back there, but they were equally as unhelpful. I proceeded to look for Lao Airlines.

When I found Lao Airlines, the door was closed and the lights off. I knocked, but of course there was no answer. I peeked inside through the curtain and saw a bed, refrigerator, and maybe a dresser with a television. I figured that the occupant had obeyed the signs I chose to ignore or perhaps chose to spend the night at the Lao Airlines dormitory in Ho Chi Minh City.

Needless to say, I gave up on the Laotians to get me to their country. I will fly out at 9am tomorrow with Vietnam Airlines.

I have never met people as rude as the people I encountered in the Hanoi Airport. Nobody would try to send me in the right direction, most simply ignored me. They wouldn't let me exit the elevator before a dozen of them were piled in and on their way to the first floor! (This part is fiction, they did let me get off, but I had to bulldoze through a few of them along the way).

It seems really weird to me that the only ticket offices are Vietnam Airlines. Could this be the government exercising their power as a Communist nation? I find it interesting that the only signs of Communism I have seen in this country appear when it benefits the government, not the people who it is supposedly designed for.

In the street, most people can't afford cars. Most ride motorbikes from the stone age (probably made shortly after the wheel was invented), while at other times I see Lexus's, Mercedes, even a BMW 760. This country seems to have the same social gaps that we have in America, perhaps even larger gaps here between the elite and the poorest.

But what do I know? I'm just a tourist who really doesn't understand how things work.

From the airport, the lady at the tourism information office recommended the Phuong Dong Hotel 1km down the road. When I arrived, they were still making finishing touches to the outside of the building. The walls still smell of fresh paint. Brand new. As far as I could tell, I was the only person checked in for the night. I can't complain, it is very nice. Thank god I have my book. As I'm typing, somebody is showing up in a cab. Okay, a nice sign of relief.

Anyways, I've had about enough of this country. Time for Laos. I hear they're more laid back and a lot friendlier, which will be a nice change of pace.

- J


23rd July 2010

Hang in there
We are up early to go to OKC airport and on to see Sarah and Ian for his sister's wedding. We love reading your blog even about the down side of your trip. Makes US air travel sound simple. I hope some day to read your journal and am so glad you found it. Love, Gige
23rd July 2010

Wow, can't believe you go all the way to Southeast Asia and you still can't leave behind the Sierra Kids. That's hysterical. When are you coming back to the US? I have so much to talk to you about, and I want you to check out my new house! I hope your travelling has made a lifelong impact. I know that I want to do the same trip as you, and maybe you can join me when I go to Thailand in the near future (next summer?). I miss you buddy, and I can't wait til we can chill up in SLO or SF or Irvine, or wherever the hell we need to do this. Hit me up asap, via email, fb, or this, cause I want to talk to you. Take care good friend, and safe travels. God speed. Jake
23rd July 2010

Hi Jackson, Who were the guys from Irvine that you met?

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