Bia Hoi in Hanoi

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Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi
February 24th 2007
Published: March 4th 2007
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Hanoi LakeHanoi LakeHanoi Lake

Iconic lake in the center of the city
We got the night train North to Hanoi from Hue which was an experience in itself. Being rich Westerners we were able to shell out for a sleeper, which was a bed each in a tiny room of four beds. When we boarded we had to evict two Buddhist monks that were asleep in our bunks, ooohhhh cheeky monkeys (sorry).

The overnight train was ok, a lot better than the bus so the journey went quite quickly (relatively) and we even got a meal on the train, although it was difficult to say what it was.

Hanoi is much colder than the south, it actually rained most of the three days we were here, and if not raining then it was cloudy. We stayed in the old quarter, which is just that as Hanoi is about 1000 years old.

The city is not as chaotic as Saigon and the lake in the center of town is very picturesque. We got a Cyclo ride around the old quarter too, a Cyclo is a big metal bike thingy complete with driver. You see these guys on the streets at all hours, often working 12 - 15 hour days, so it
Who needs a truck?Who needs a truck?Who needs a truck?

Its amazing what people can stick on a bike
can't be a nice job. You can get peddled around town for an hour for about a quid fifty.

Hanoi is also famous for Bia Hoi, so we sampled a few of the local brews in the town, a glass here sets you back about seven pence. There is one crossroads with five different Bia Hoi's, and one kebab shop, what a perfect combination. (actually we didn't dare touch the kebabs as the hygiene here is grim).

That's it for Hanoi and in fact Vietnam, just the obligatory Halong Bay trip left to go.

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The GreengrocersThe Greengrocers
The Greengrocers

All just left on the street, when it rains a river of black water flows down the street. Lovely.

On a cyclo tour of the city
Bia Hoi junctionBia Hoi junction
Bia Hoi junction

Cyclo at the crossroads where all the Bia Hoi spots are

4th March 2007

Time to leave off the Bia Hoi, John! Seems a pretty smart spot, but hygiend leaves a bit wanting. Can't you give them some advice? Great Pics again. dad

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