Hue Vietnam

Published: July 2nd 2007
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Hue is the ancient capital of vietnam and formerly held the royal palace in the late 1800s. The city has been the center of conflight since WW2 and was about 100 miles south of the DMZ during the Vietnam war.

The city's ancient citadel is on the north side of the perfume river. While most of the royal palace has been destroyed, the city's walls and main gate still remains. We just spent a couple of days here to tour the old royal city and take a boat ride down the river. We got our own boat for 2 hours for about $12 USD. We ate one night in Hue on a floating restuarant anchored on the edge of the river. Allison found her new favorite... Festiville beer, a Vietnamese favorite.

Our hotel in Hue was amazing. Not a huge 5 star resort, but the Orchid hotel upgraded us to a large room complete with stereo, DVD player, TV, and private balcony. We watched a couple DVDs we'd bought along the way.

From Hue we flew about 1 hour to Hanoi... capital of Vietnam.


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