Week 1 accomplished...

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Asia » Thailand
January 2nd 2011
Published: January 2nd 2011
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Firstly, Happy New Year to you all at home. We have survied our first week and are having a great time.

We arrived in Bangkok airport around four o'clock (Thailand time) on Tuesday 28th December. The sun was shining, brightly and it was very hot! After waiting to go through Passport Control for about an hour we finally got our bags (which had been placed on the floor as they took so long to come out!) and made our way outside to somehow get to the Khao San Road. By this time it was dark, but luckily it was pretty straight forward and we jumped on an air conditioned coach which took about 45 minutes to get there. As soon as we got to the Khao San Road we knew we were there, its just a long strip of hotels with big signs all light up in the street and people everywhere!!! Our hotel was pretty much towards the end of the strip but we managed to find it ok. We had a fairly decent sized room, it was air conditioned and clean so couldnt ask for much more really. We dropped off our bags and made our way out to have a wonder. Dinner was from one of the street stalls and we had Pad Thai with chicken, was nice considering it only cost us a pound! There are lots of people selling all sorts of wierd and not very wonderful things and Hannah ended up buying a hat which she knocked the woman down four hundred baht for so she was pretty chuffed with herself. Sitting and having a beer when Alex and Louise turn up! We all went and had a fish pedicure which was really wierd, it felt like tiny little pin pricks and I'm not sure it actually made any more difference!

Day two and we had to make our way back to the airport for two o'clock to catch the plane to Surat Thani. Again, another really hot day and very humid. We went for some breakfast and got a taxi with the lovely "Mr Tongpon". The roads in Bangkok are pretty crazy, with mopeds weaving in and out of traffic and people beeping all the time, but it didn't feel that dangerous. We flew with Air Asia who were very good and landed in Surat Thani about an hour later ready to be collected by our coach. We caught a ferry at 6pm to take us over to Koh Phangan which took roughly three hours...possibly the longest three hours of my life with uncomfortable benches and a pretty choppy sea! Once we arrived at the pier we were pleasantly surprised to see someone from our resort there to collect us and take us back for free, handy seeings as we didnt really know how we were going to get there when we arrived or where we were going! By the time we arrived and had some dinner we were all knackered and still pretty jetlagged so hit the sack.

Me and Hannah had a pretty lazy day and were saving ourseves for the NYE the next day and Alex and Louise decided to have a wonder. The weather in Koh Phangan was very different to Bangkok, slightly cooler and very overcast, still humid though. The resort we were staying on was pretty quiet considering it was fully booked but it was well spaced out and located right on the beach, we had a really nice room with air conditioning and could hear the waves when we were sleeping. We had our first night out on the thirtieth and went down to Haad Rin beach which is where the Full Moon Party is just to check it out. It was amazing, just and endless row of clubs and stalls selling buckets of drinks all with their own different signs! Getting there was pretty interesting, you would get piled onto these taxis which were pick up trucks with rooves on and oppen backs so you could hop on and off easily, with most of the time people hanging off the back! It was a really steep journey to get to the beach but only about a fifteen minute drive. New Years was pretty much the same except you had to pay 100 baht to get in and they had a big countdown timer on a platform in the sea and there were a lot more people there - was quite overwhelming. There was a huge fireworks display at twelve which light up the sea and the mountains and it looked amazing! Hannah and I left the party early and left Louise and Alex partying.

Yesterday we slept until half twelve!! Me and Han left the other two sleeping and decided to try and find the "English pub" which had been recommended to us as we were both craving a fried breakfast. It was just like someone had picked this pub up and placed it in Thailand, was pleased to see it though!! The rest of the day we just lazed around on the beach, the weather was really bad for the past couple of days with it raining quite heavily. We went for dinner at a really nice little restaurant. It was run by a really sweet family and we all sat on cushions, the food was lovely and so cheap! Our four mains with rich, four shots of whiskey, beer and a bottle of water came to 360 baht!! My highlight of the day though must have been encouraging the hotels dog to come in the sea with me though, there are dogs EVERYWHERE in Koh Phangan but this dog was so sweet...

Today, me and Han had a really rough journey to Koh Samui, our plan was to go to Ko Tao and the to Samui but as usual we left it to the last minute to sort it out i.e half ten last night and the ferry to Ko Tao was fully booked. We had to get another ferry and Han was really feeling it, which is surprising as I'm usually the one who gets ill. Antother cab from the pier which was pretty wierd, we were in some minibus with ten people we don't know and the cabby puts Rude Boy on full blast and was driving like a maniac!! We were pretty much dumped in the street at Chaweng but luckily werent to far freom our hotel. Its raining..again and we are hoping for some decent weather to get some colour on our pasty skin!!


3rd January 2011

3rd January 2011

hi girls!!!
It,s bank holiday monday and Tina and i are sitting in the living room reading your first weeks blog, Tina true to form started blubbing especially after hearing about the hotel dog!! haha.. We had a great new years at the hotel in bournmouth it has been a lovely xmas, We are glad to hear from you and hear what you have been up to, stay safe and enjoy yourselves we will await the next exciting instalment in georgette and hannah's big adventure. All our love Geoffrette and Tina xx

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