Shosin life

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Asia » Thailand
April 19th 2008
Published: April 19th 2008
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Well last u heard waterfighting in bangkok was on the agenda...and waterfight we did!!!we made our way firstly to the grand palace...was really kool although i think ro enjoyed much more of the buildings than me!!i was wearin "inappropriate budda clothing" so had to cover up with fantastically sexy clothes so i didnt offend budda. we then made our way back to the centre to begin water mayhem which included mexican stylee standoffs and crouched shooting and ro are water cowboys.FACT!!!

that day we made our way OVERNIGHT (grr) to ko samui.we got a bus for like 12hours then a ferry and then another bue.when we finally arrived though it was so worth it..silver beach resort....n\m0ost appropriate name was genuinelky the nicest beach i have ever seen,a little private cove. so just chilled the enitre day.wrecked after our journey.then headed into chaweng for a few drinks...of course starting in the first irish bar we could find!TOURISTS!ended up mweting some koolm peeps..specifically a london james who we stayed with for most of the night and acutally trhe mext few days as well.we just chilled for 3 days on the beach with james and his mate gemma and randomly another james(we keep meetin ppl from london-its mental) we also met some ozzie dudes who were kool and contibnued to hang out in chaweng wioth them all each night. had a great fews days-think it was exactky what we needed at the time.the next day web got stood up by a thai busman...eww. but ebded up gettin the next bus to make our way to the ferry for ko pha ngan. we just arrived last night at our blue lotus bungalows and headed straight to the beach to watch the sunset...truly amazin.also made a random doggy friend who continued to follow us around for the next hour or so. she even waited outside our door for ages til we went down for dins..really cute. went into thwe cn\entre of town to check out everything. went to the beach yet again(im sensing a theme here) with 2 more londoners anbd a thai girl. it was amazin they had guys juggling fire and garland sellers and everything. stayed there for most of the night it was soo kool... oh and randomn rainstorm whilst dancing on the beach was wamazin...FACT.full moon party is on the cards tomorrow so can only imagine the craic it shall be.............


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