My final week in the jungle!

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December 21st 2005
Published: December 21st 2005
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Top of the TempleTop of the TempleTop of the Temple

This is the view from the temple if you climb for 20 minutes!
Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been almost two weeks since my last journal entry but our village internet connection has been down for most of the time and when we did manage to log on a few days ago we only managed to get an email out each before it crashed again.

Anyway, another two weeks have passed and I can't believe I'm on my last week of my project... it really feels weird that I'm going to have to say goodbye to all the animals and friends that I've made! :-(

The last two weeks have been frantic with everyone digging in and helping to finish our new bear enclosure, which will hold the 5 baby/teenage sun bears. It's been hard work as the sun has finally come out and the heat really gets unbearable at times in the afternoon but it is all good fun especially when we end up having paint fights at the end of every day!

A lot of the Volunteers who I met at the beginning have now left and there are only a hand full of us old timers left but new people are still joining every week, which makes if
Girls hard at work!Girls hard at work!Girls hard at work!

Some of the girls cleaning one of the bear pools!
fun especially when you see them learning all their new jobs and making the same mistakes I made when I first joined the centre! ;-)

I've also been playing tour guide to a few tourist groups who come along and visit us every few days, which apparently is one of my strongest skills as everyone is amazed how much money I can get out of the American and English tourists who are always happy to donate! (The old paulo verbal magic still works in the jungle!)

I've also finally managed to visit the local Buddhist temple, which is simply amazing and they even have a huge statue lying in the back yard!

My highlight of this week has been my involvement with looking after a sick pet gibbon who was handed into us last week and doesn't even have enough strengh to eat or even hold it's body functions.

Ok thats all I can think of for now as I'm too afraid to stay on this internet connection any longer incase it crashes again, so I just want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year although I'm sure I'll be up-dating
Saved Gibbon!Saved Gibbon!Saved Gibbon!

The little gibbon who was handed in last week! :-(
my journal before the new year.

I'm off to Bangkok on Friday and then I fly to Melbourne for Christmas, so keep those emails coming as I'll have a lot more time to read them in the next few weeks.

Love you all...


Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Boys hard at Work!Boys hard at Work!
Boys hard at Work!

Painting the new bear enclosure!
Bears Playing!Bears Playing!
Bears Playing!

Some of the sunbears playing in their old cage!

21st December 2005

Truly Enspiring Paulsta
Paulsta just wanted to wish you a happy Christmas and new year. Cheers for keeping everyone updated I can honestly say I wish I was there. Sounds fantastic. You are a top bloke son. Keep up the good work. Luv Ya Richie
27th December 2005

wow, sounds like u had an amazing time, how are the people like in thailand?
28th December 2005

Happy Christmas and Happy New year!
Hi Paulo, Great to hear from you and its wonderful to get emails about your adventures! Hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve - I've now moved into my new cottage which is really sweet! Christmas party was great although you were sadly missed! Take care, Freya x

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