Whoops we missed out Maylasia!

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Surat Thani
November 5th 2007
Published: November 26th 2007
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Ko Samui to Kuala Lumpur

12.30 pick up!12.30 pick up!12.30 pick up!

I'm here, where are they?

Decided to back track on ourselves,
and go see what Kuala Lumpur had to offer.

This meant taking 2 overnight trains.

So, we organised a bus that would pick us up.
To take us across the ferry and then on to Surat Thani railway station.
There, we would have to wait for over 8 hours before catching our first overnight train to Butterworth.
At Butterworth we would have a 10 hour wait, till we picked up our next overnight train to Kuala Lumpur.

We had it in our minds that we would spend the waiting periods at Surat Thani and Butterworth checking out the areas.

All went well, we arrived at Surat Thani Station which is on the outskirts of the city,
checked in our backpacks at left luggage and went in search of food.
One look at the station food put us off eating there.
(can't afford to get sick at this stage of the 2 day journey)!!!

Went out front to see what the locals had to offer......

We found a street market and were being tempted by the different smells,
perhaps we
Our first bus!Our first bus!Our first bus!

About eight of us stuffed in here with all our luggage!!!
waited around too long to decide on what we wanted to eat.
But it was long enough to notice the things you didn't want to see crawling in your food!!!!

We came across a cake stall and thought ,
ok, this looks good until we saw the raisens moving on the cakes!!!!

They weren't raisens but a swarm of flies - That did it for us!!!
We'll never be able to eat fruit cake again.....

Not much else to see there so we made our way back to the station,
on the way we discovered a 7/11 store.
Bought what we call emergency food,
crisps, biscuits and a burger.

At the station we wiled away the hours, fighting off mozzies and cockroach spotting....
Then later, we watched as the multitude of rats came out to play....

Our hearts plummeted when we were told the train was running an hour late.
These rats were so brazen coming within feet of us.

Weren't we glad to see the train when it finally arrived at 1.50am.

Managed to sleep for a few hours, before being woken early for the
Then transferred to this...Then transferred to this...Then transferred to this...

Our luxury coach for the rest of the journey....
border crossing.
Thought we'd get back in the bunks after going through immigration......

The train staff had other ideas, they took the bedding and folded all the bunks back!!!

Arrived in Butterworth at 1pm covered in mozzie bites,
feeling tired and in need of a decent meal.

We had no local currency!!!!!!

Left luggage were great, they took our backpacks for us and pointed us in the right direction for a cash machine.
Having loaded up with cash we asked the security guard where the nearest place to eat was.

Only a kilometre to KFC.
Headed for that, the heat was unbearable and there was little or no shade along the busy road.

One mile later and half dead.....

We reached KFC, where we ate and drank heartily and were able to kill a few hours enjoying the aircon before heading back to the stations air conditioned waiting room.

There we stayed, until our train arrived for the next legof the journey.

Additional photos below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 24


We are here!We are here!
We are here!

This part of the journey has gone to plan....
And Skim is still smiling...And Skim is still smiling...
And Skim is still smiling...

Hey! Don't go without me..

This time you did well, lets hope the rest of the journey goes the same way...
Leaving Leaving

Koh Samui, but I will return - One day...
Life bouyLife bouy
Life bouy

This ones mine, it has my name on it....

My sunburn will remind me of you...
Rust bucketRust bucket
Rust bucket

Am I pleased that's not ours, Skim would kill me...
Well under wayWell under way
Well under way

Part two is going ok
Land ahoyLand ahoy
Land ahoy

Is that Surat Thani ferry pier?
Think it is....Think it is....
Think it is....

Can't be sure it was dark last time we were here...
The ferry pierThe ferry pier
The ferry pier

No way will the bus fit on there...
Dry land againDry land again
Dry land again

And the bus got off ok...
That's the station resturant behind me!!!That's the station resturant behind me!!!
That's the station resturant behind me!!!

Already spotted a few cockroaches, guess we won't be eating here tonight....
Surat Thani StationSurat Thani Station
Surat Thani Station

No waiting rooms with aircon here!!!
Waiting around...Waiting around...
Waiting around...

Mozzies are a biting. Guess the 3rd part of the journeys not going too well........
Still smiling!Still smiling!
Still smiling!

Whilst rats are running within feet of me....

28th November 2007

Don't forget to try the local produce!
As you are rejecting my travel spinach everywhere, may I suggest you try the local dried bananas? Yummy, chewy and I'm not on commission. Oh, while you're there, do you have a couple of CD's with you? It's just that we're all searching high and low here, and there's a few people's details on them. You'll know it if you have them: 25 million on there, so no room for backup photos. Please look: we all have. Malaysia should be lovely! Hope you enjoy it.
28th November 2007

Missing CDs
Sorry, only one's I have are filled with photos ready to send back. Hope you find them soon. Have been trying the local produce and we love dragon fruit which is delicious. You'll be glad to hear that we are now wearing long sleeves again as it's got a bit colder.

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