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June 1st 2008
Published: June 1st 2008
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Hey Everyone!

I have just arrived at the Gibbon place this evening! Im absolutely knackered! Met a nice lady on the plane who was also travelling alone so as soon as I was on there it was ok! She got off at Bangkok though.

Have had a bit of sleep on the plane! I got to Bangkok and then had to pretty much go straight into checking in for Phuket flight...Had to be searched when i came through the gate for Phuket which was a bit embarassing because there were some 'typical' English blokes watching and commenting loudly and making me feel like an idiot!

I got picked up from Phuket airport, and its only about 15-20 minutes away!
I have met some of the people here, there are a couple of English girls and a dutch so far! Apparently there are 12 americans and a couple of Canadians aswell! and more people coming next week!
The room im staying in is very minimal! basically a matress, and a few things to hang....
soooooooooo it kinda sucks that i didnt think to bring a sleeping bag with me! hmmm not sure what im gonna do about that!
Il have to go into town and buy one tomorrow!

Anyway! Take care everyone! Im knackered so am gonna have an early night tonight!

Love you all xXx


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