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February 20th 2007
Published: February 20th 2007
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Oh, ya, and ....playing it safe with the food. I have been eating fruit and bread, mind you yesterday I braved the restaurant in my hotel for some spaghetti and it was real yummy so I might go back for more. I have not be brave enough to attempt a local street vendor, I took pictures though!! hehe. They walk around with this little pot, that turns into a bbq and they cook you fish or chicken or what ever your flavor is. But, after they walk around all day in the sun with that chicken.....yikes i dunnno about that.

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portable bbqportable bbq
portable bbq

here is one of the guys and his restaurant-to-go
portable bbqportable bbq
portable bbq

and another

21st February 2007

local food
smart decision on the food, but you have to be sure and eat some of the local fare in safer conditions. i have enjoyed reading your blogs, sounds like a wonderful trip. take care
22nd February 2007

Ok I thought I would leave a quick comment here but I am going to check out your pics:) Sounds like your having a good time!

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