Live and Let Dive

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Tao
April 16th 2007
Published: April 16th 2007
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..looking haggard on the Express boat!
We got up on the morning of the 11th to find out that the boat back to Had Rin leaves at we hurriedly packed out backpacks and made it just.

At Haad Rin, we took a taxi to Thong sala and then got the 12.30pm express boat to Koh Tao. Now this boat had proper air conditioning to the point where I was cold! The journey was 1.5 hours, half that if we had taken the ferry so well worth the extra fare. The ferry docked at Mae Hat around 2pm.

The afternoon was spent trying to find somewhere to stay. A lot of the hostels here have dive centres and therefore offer discounts on the rooms if you dive. We finally found a place along the Sai Ree Beach with New Way Divers - the bungalow was about 10m from the beach........the view well made up for the nightmare of trying to find somewhere....we basically got changed and jumped into the sea. Here, the tide goes out in the evening and so it is very shallow - you would have to walk quite a way before the sea level even reached your stomach! So it was
View from the boatView from the boatView from the boat

Koh Tao...very pretty...
more like taking a bath really!

I ended up doing two dives whilst James did four. There were lots of fish, we saw quite a few moray eels and blue spotted rays. Although good, James said it was like diving in the Med.......

I have to mention...on the day of our first two dives, it was the Songkran Festival (Thai New Year) which is an excuse to have water fights! We had to get up early to do the dives as the dive centre shuts for the festival.....we were coming back to the centre on the back of an open air truck when we noticed all these people with water pistols and huge tanks of water by the side of the road...needless to say we were drenched by the time we got back to the centre! Even ice water was thrown and it was typical, it had been raining so it was much cooler that day so I was cold!

Other days were spent lounging by the beach, playing frisbee and watching the football.......although it is quite touristy here it is quite laid back and relaxed.

Tomorrow we are heading off to Bangkok where it is

..from our beach..well worth the journey!
around 38 to 39 degrees..hurrah!

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..along the same beach the next day...
Path to the beachPath to the beach
Path to the beach

..from our bungalow...literally on our doorstep really!

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