Shark Swimming

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March 9th 2007
Published: March 11th 2007
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What a view!What a view!What a view!

Mike Jess Jo and Me!
Had a blissful few days soaking up the rays on Koh Toa (Jen n Sam- good recommendation!) Well needed after hectic Bangkok! Were lucky to find cheap accomodation after persvering in the heat with backpacks- 400 baht for bungalow with awesome bar and good fruit shakes!

Spent first day doing not a lot, except for worrying about getting burnt! Jo and I had a very romantic meal on bean bags on the beach surrounded by candles, thai men doing poi and the sound of the waves.

After contemplating diving for second day we just opted for snorkelling and a trip round the island. Turned out to be an amazing day, even swam with black tipped sharks!

Spent the eve drinking Big Chang (sure its got more expensive tho Han!) with Mike and Jess- a couple of English people we met on boat (doesn't seem to be that many English around!)

After bit more sunning, drinking shakes and generally doing not a lot it was time to get bus back to Bangkok. Arrived v late last night (2am ish!) Jo and I spent about an hour hunting down somewhere to stay- couldn't book in advance coz peak season- literally went down the whole of Khao San and Rambuttri- but no room at the inn! Were very lucky and ended up at Wally's House- seems to be cheapest place to stay- 180 baht (about 1.50 each!) for room, and the bed was the most comfy yet!


11th March 2007

heeeeeeeeeey!!! sounds like ur having fun!!! is it vry hot?? its getting kinda hot in angleterre but england is boring. im gonna keep checking ur blog to brighten up my day!!! xxx

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