Ultimate Samui

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March 18th 2006
Published: June 28th 2006
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Our Thai BBQOur Thai BBQOur Thai BBQ

mmm pretty good
18th Mar. Got up, did some washing, went on the net and then headed down to the beach with the guys. I had a chicken skewer thing and some delicious pineapple, had a swim and chilled. What's great is that you don't have to leave the beach to get food. They come up to you...how's that for service...(but it can get annoying as they also try to sell you souvenirs.)We then went back to our rooms and got ready. Fon picked me up on her scooter and took me to dinner. She prepared the table and food before heading off to go and pick up Daz. We had a Thai BBQ where we sat around eating and talking, having the food cooking right in front of us. The three of us then got onto Fon's bike (pretty cool) and headed back to the main street where Daz shouted me to a game of Living Bowl (Bowling) - thanks Daz!! It was quite funny as Daz is pretty competitive and i beat him in the first game. I don't think he was too happy, but he came back in the second to beat me. "Hey Daz, how many pins are there in tenpin bowling?" Dumb moo has a blonde moment, but then Daz replied "I'm not sure, maybe 12"!!! They played some funky music and i even heard Kylie. The shoes have Velcro instead of laces and i even had trouble finding a light ball that i could fit my fingers in!!! Can you believe that my fingers were too fat for the bowling balls? We then went to Tropical Murphy's again and the guys left me watching rugby union with the Irish guys. I was sooo sleepy that i wasn't much conversation and i think i left just after the game, where i am not sure who even won the game.

19th Mar. Today Daz and i hired scooters. I was quite nervous but the streets here are not very busy in the morning, it was an auto, and Daz gave me a good intro helping my confidence. Fon had her own bike so the three of us set off for the day, me equipt with my bright orange helmet and dark blue gunner of a bike. It didn't take me to long to feel better about riding even though the corners were a bit tough to begin with. Our first stop was at a place with a few temples including a huge Buddha - Big Guan - that had 18 arms. I then paid 20B for a roof tile which i got to put my name on, that will be added to another temple which they are building. I guess it's a way to donate money where you feel like your contributing and getting something in return. We then rode to a place actually called Big Buddha where the views were quite good. We then stopped on the other side of the Island for lunch before heading to see Namuang Waterfall 1 which was the best waterfall on my travels so far. We then decided that we still had heaps of time so we checked out Laem Sor Pagoda, after a few hassles in trying to find it, we passed an absolutely huge water buffalo standing in a small wetland, (so wished i stopped for a photo) and after going the wrong way, we eventually found it. The pagoda was like it was dropped from the sky and just landed in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't as big as i thought it was going to be but it
Big GuanBig GuanBig Guan

with Daz in the foreground
was just nice to see something without any tourists around. We then made our way to the famous Grandfather and Grandmother rocks and i tried a Thai caramel sweet thing which was rather good. I got my photos of the rocks, we stopped at another lookout seeing Chaweng Beach and then headed back down the hill (me riding the breaks) and before i knew it i was back at the Hut where i was staying. The guys were pretty buggered so they called it a day but i didn't wanna feel like i was missing something so i ended up going for a swim before i headed to the shops to try to buy some gifts for home. I bought nothing as i was frustrated that every shop sold the same things but at different prices and there was no variety at all. I looked for somewhere local to eat but found a Burger King and thought why not. It's expensive compared to getting Thai food but still cheaper then at home and tastes the same. I walked some more and got a plain pancake with choc topping and then the shops started to close. My room was way too hot so i headed down to the beach and just laid on the beach chairs looking at the moon and stars. I could have laid there all night but i knew that wasn't a good idea so i went to bed...eventually.

20th Mar. It was way too hot in the bungalow so i got up pretty early. I took the bike back which was sad as i loved having my own transport again, even if it was just a day. I waited for Daz and Fon and Daz and i used the net and then lost Fon as she was supposed to be at her sisters shop. So Daz was hungry and we headed off to get some food while we waited for Fon to come back. Just as we were passing Macca's i saw Ben's 2 mates heading in there. I couldn't believe it. At first i wasn't sure whether to go back or not, i quickly explained the situation to Daz and asked if he wanted Macca's to eat. He agreed and so we headed in and i ended up speaking to the guys. I told them that it would be good to see Ben again, even though i didn't know how he felt and they said that he would have wanted to see me as he had been pissed off that he didn't get my number and has been talking about it. They told me where they were staying (Blue Lagoon which was so not what i thought) and i gave them my mobile no to give him. I couldn't believe it. I was so excited. How bizarre. We then found Fon and i left the guys to go and get some lunch. Whilst waiting for my food my phone rang and it was Ben, and we agreed that we would meet up later that night. It didn't take him long to call and i was now feeling very pumped up for the evenings happenings. Went back to the guys and the three of us just spent the arvo shopping where i even bought myself a few things. It started to rain pretty hard and there was even a blackout so we shopped by candles and lanterns. I even saw the three pommies from Koh Tao. We had a quick chat and they did get my email. It was so random seeing them. When we were
Doing my bit for the templeDoing my bit for the templeDoing my bit for the temple

which is pictured behind me
all shopped out i went and got a foot massage (thanks Paul and Jo) which was brilliant. The lady laughed at my big toes as they were the only toes with polish left on them. I then tried to have a nap but it didn't work so i got ready for the night ahead. I met the guys and we headed off on Fon's scooter to a local place for dinner which was quite good. Once finished we headed to the Reggae pub and as we pulled up i saw Ben walking in. He saw me too and came back to greet me. It was so random to be seeing him again. Everyone was introduced and i loved the setup of the pub. There was no roof and it was ultra cool. Fon and i had a dance and then Daz took over. After a while Ben and his mates wanted to head off to a place near the Green Mango as it was pretty good the previous night. So i left Daz and Fon on the dance floor shakin their butts. I then organised a swangi to get us there and was in complete shock when none of the guys had been in one so i bargained and we were on our way. It was a pretty small place that was pretty full. We bough some beer and picked some songs. Ben and i started to play BINGO (connect 4) and then there was another blackout, so Ben's mates left. We kept playing bingo to the light of my mobile where i won 4 games to 2. We headed to the green mango for a quick dance before heading down to the beach where we laid on the beach chairs chatting under the moonlight. We talked for a few hours. It was so great to connect with someone where we were completely comfortable talking about everything with each other. I think i really like this guy too!!! On the way back to my bungalow it started to rain and we had to walk along the beach. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Once at my bungalow Ben looked through my travel photo's, we talked some more and i pretty much fell asleep, I was so buggered. Ben left pretty early as my bungalow was pretty hot and he was still feeling sick from the other day.

21st Mar. Ben promised me that he would see me later and as soon as he walked out i knew that i wouldn't see him later. Intuition. Once he left i instantly started to feel like shit. I thought more sleep would make me feel better but when i woke up not long after i didn't feel any better and just felt like i was going to cry. I packed some clothes, went and transfered some money and texted Daz to see what he was up too. He was just gunna hang out at the house and maybe see me later. I went back to my hut and felt even worse again, sick even. I texted Ben a few times and even asked if i could go see him and hang out in the A/C. (He was going to play golf with his mates - how sick could he have been!) I didn't know what to do so i just started to walk. I felt completely lonely and depressed, and really didn't know what to do. I felt like i had no-one to talk to and ended up sitting on a brick wall just off the main street crying. It
Look Dad and AdamLook Dad and AdamLook Dad and Adam

No harness...Crazy Thai people...
was the worst i had felt not just on my travels but since i could remember. It was such a hot day which was adding to my feeling sick and terrible. I knew that i should have just went to the beach but i didn't wanna sit in the heat. I decided to go to Burger King and have a choc sunday. It didn't cheer me up and i started to cry again as i repeated over and over in my head "all you need is you". I then decided to go and do some travel blog and sit in the A/C. After 2 hrs i started to feel better so i booked my ticket for Bangkok for the following day and met Daz on the beach. We chatted about the the previous night and my terrible morning. He really helped me out and i was so glad that he was there to help me and give me some great travel and life advice. Thanks so much Daz...your a real gem. It was most likely a huge combination of being sleep deprived from all the late nights i was having, my body not being used to all the alcohol i
The Big BuddahThe Big BuddahThe Big Buddah

Quick Daz, take the photo. My feet are buring on the tiles.
had been drinking and also probably not eating properly. I started to feel much better and even had a nap on the beach. I woke up with a bit of a stiff neck and Daz suggested that what i needed was some really good "cheer up Amanda food" and we decided that good meal would be a wood fired pizza! So just before i met the guys at 8:30 Ben texted me saying he still felt like crap and wasn't going to be able to see me (told you intuition, hasn't failed me yet on my travels). He sounded sorry but i was still disappointed. We arranged to see each other the next morning before i got my bus.

Anyways onto better things, we met for dinner and it was one of the most expensive meals i had on my travels so far but i didn't care. I needed it. The pizza had mushrooms, pepperoni, and THE most delicious ham i have ever tasted, it was so yummy. We then just hung out in a pub where i treated myself to some fruit and we watched some rugby union. We then headed out to the go-go area and we
The view from Big BuddahThe view from Big BuddahThe view from Big Buddah

you can ring my bell
got a free beer before heading onto the dance floor for some dancing. It was getting pretty late so on the way out Daz and i played connect four and i even saw Lloyd and Pat (pommies from Koh Tao) for a few minutes as they were making their way in. Fon then dropped me back at the Hut and saying goodbye was a bit sad and pretty weird. I had a great time with Daz and Fon and i think it would be fair to say that Daz and i have become better mates because of it.

Once back in my room something had gotten into my pringles, wonder what it was!!!! My god, what an emotional day...

22nd Mar. Once i checked out i then walked to say bye to Ben. It was ultra weird and i told him to text me when he got to Bangkok as i would be there at the same time but i assumed from the vibe that i got that he wasn't going to. There was something different about him. It didn't feel the same. He gave me a pathetic hug goodbye and i left feeling pretty bummed as we had gotten along so well before. Oh well, as Daz and i said the previous day...What you have when your travelling is right now. You may never see the people you meet again so you have to appreciate what you have with them while your with them. It's all a part of travelling, (which was one of the things that got me down yesterday, you meet people and get along but you may never see them again). Nothing lasts forever, if you have 10mins with a person then maybe that's all you're meant to have. We did have 2 great nights together, either way i am glad i met him as i learnt so much from that situation!

So i go back to the hut, and whilst waiting for my transfer i meet a kinda cute Swedish guy Daniel who is also waiting for the transfer and we get chatting. On the ferry we sit together and watch the movie King Kong which had already started. We had a great laugh at the movie where looks obviously didn't matter to Naomi Watt's character!!! The next movie was Taxi 3 which was ridiculously crap and i got the attention of everyone at one point when i laughed really loud at a stupid one liner. It was a typical moo moment!!! So we get off the ferry and i think i have a rat in my bag (remember something nibbled on my pringles) but i couldn't find it...Daniel leaves for his bus to Phuket while i watched a documentary on Ned Kelly. My overnight bus arrives and i have 2 seats to myself, it was pretty comfy and i slept pretty well.

Additional photos below
Photos: 29, Displayed: 29


What posers!What posers!
What posers!

The formings of a real bikie gang!!! cool...
Namuang Waterfall 1Namuang Waterfall 1
Namuang Waterfall 1

Yes there is another that we didn't see called Namuang Waterfall 2!!!
Thats Gold!!!Thats Gold!!!
Thats Gold!!!

The Laem Sor Pagoda, looks like its gold from a distance.
A fruit stallA fruit stall
A fruit stall

they give you the fruit in little plastic bags. not the best for the env!! but the fruit is delicious

29th June 2006

The lady boy...
Hey Moo...i remember seeing that same lady boy at obviously the same lady boy show the three melbourne chicks took me to...did it have an act where one guy was dressed as half man and half woman dancing with himself onstage? that was a clever act...
8th July 2006

who is who
Hi Amanda. still trying to work out which one you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must have expected that one!

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